Posts Tagged ‘Kansas City Chiefs’

Analysis of Week 16 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Chargers 42 Titans 17

And so ends the storybook comeback. Vince Young went only eight for 21 with 89 total yards and two interceptions. There were two rushing touchdowns – one my Young and the other by Chris Johnson – but none of the brilliance we have seen before. It is official, the only reason to watch the Titans next week is to see if Johnson can make it to 2,000 yards (and if his offensive linemen can earn themselves a car). On the other side of the ball, San Diego is flying under the radar as the second place team behind the Colts and above all of the other playoff mess. Philip Rivers is hot right now, and with a receiving core that has just so many options, you may see them come February.
Game Ball: Rivers went 21 for 27 for 264 yards and two touchdowns.

Bills 3 Falcons 31

This just wasn’t fair. Even if the Falcons are out of the race, is it fair to put them up against Buffalo, who started Brian Brohm this week? Even if the Bills’ defense could handle Roddy White and Matt Ryan, they would have still suffered. We would advise the Bills to pick up a running back this year in the draft, seeing as they will be low enough to go get a quality player, but they will probably also need a quarterback. We are upset to see Matty Ice not in the playoff picture, but doesn’t this answer the question: Joe Flacco or Matt Ryan?
Game Ball: White had eight receptions for 139 yards and two touchdowns.

Bengals 17 Chiefs 10

The Bengals may have ten wins on the season, but Carson Palmer isn’t doing much to make that happen. The guy is all over the place, and is being helped out by Cedric Benson. Palmer’s longest pass on the day was only 21 yards, and it is becoming evident that either he is hurting or this team is in trouble. The Chiefs are helpless, and this one came down to a touchdown and a defensive stop… just imagine what the Jets game will be like. With a defense like New York has, Palmer better get out of his little funk.
Game Ball: Benson went for 133 yards on 29 carries.

Raiders 9 Browns 33

The game with the least meaning of the day actually turned out to be one of the more entertaining. Who knew the Browns could be so exciting? Jerome Harrison followed up his 200+ yard game with 148 yards, Derek Anderson didn’t completely suck, and the defense picked off Charlie Frye three times. Couple all of that with a 61 yard field goal by Sebastian Janikowski and you have yourself a nail-biter. When Eric Mangini is under the gun in Cleveland, he responds beautifully.
Game Ball: Harrison had 39 carries for 148 yards and one touchdown. 

Seahawks 10 Packers 48

What a rout! You can bet Green Bay’s roll this week has NFC teams backing off. No one would want to play the Pack if they had the choice right now. Aaron Rodgers is taking these next two weeks as practice for his first playoff appearance (which could come against you-know-who!)… but what about Green Bay isn’t looking good. Their numbers may not be mind-boggeling, but they got the job done yesterday. Between Ryan Grant, Donald Driver and Ahmad Green… as well as the defense that seems completely energized… they really look dangerous. Too bad the Seahawks got in the way.
Game Ball: Grant was only 3 yards away from 100, but he had two touchdowns to his name.

Texans 27 Dolphins 20

If Houston had played like this a couple of weeks ago they wouldn’t need so much help for a playoff berth. Unfortunately, however, their brilliance only lasted for one half of the game. The 27-point lead that the Texans enjoyed was apparently a big enough cushion, but what happened to them at halftime we will never understand. We do know one thing: in a match of inconsistant teams, apparently Miami had the losing hand. Chad Henne threw one touchdown but one interception to go with it… their running game was held to only 60 yards… we really can’t tell you what the problem was. Unless Miami puts up the points early, they really can’t win the game.
Game Ball: Jacoby Jones had only two receptions but his 79 yards and one touchdown was the difference.

Jaguars 7 Patriots 35

And all of the sudden, everything seems right in the world. The Patriots are in the playoffs, and being completely ignored… just like they like it. A good old fashioned beating in New England is exactly what the doctor ordered. What is scarier? That they walk down the field with Wes Welker or that they have Randy Moss to finish the job. Moss’s three touchdowns prove that he is just as dedicated as he always was, but Tom Brady may be back on track. Even the defense looks in control. The Jaguars, however, are completely eliminated. David Gerrard’s final moments are coming – this is the time when the Jags get to decide if they need a new quarterback or if he has a chance – and a two interception game is not the way to prove himself.
Game Ball: Tom Brady went 23 for 26 with 267 yards, four touchdowns, and a nearly perfect passer rating.

Buccaneers 20 Saints 17

You could have knocked us over with a feather. There is losing, and then there is the incredible lack of energy the Saints showed Sunday. How does a team go from undefeated to a losing streak? Simple – they didn’t play like they had all year. There was no showboating or “swagger” like the Saints have had all year. They looked lackluster. Drew Brees didn’t get hit a lot and there really weren’t any glarinly bad statistics. The Saints even won the turnover ratio. In fact, Brees completed 32 of 37 passes!  But it just comes down to simple killer instinct, and when you can’t close a game out you can’t win in the playoffs.
Game Ball: Cadillac Williams had 24 carries for 129 yards and one touchdown.

Carolina 41 Giants 9

Watching New York lose it’s last game in Giants Stadium was embarassing enough, but the icing on the cake was Osi Umenyiora’s comments afterwards (“I only played what… five snaps. So I don’t know what went wrong”). What a difference a change at quaterback has made for the Carolina – who must be thinking about what could have happened if they had made the change earlier. Their offense was helped by a little birdy named Jon Steward who ran for over 200 yards… but that could just explain why the score was so outrageous. The Giants are out of the playoffs, their championship team and the lessons they learned that season have all disappeared, and now they can remember how much of a miracle it was.
Game Ball: While Matt Moore threw three touchdowns, Stewart’s 206 yards and one touchdown was just incredible to watch.

Ravens 20 Steelers 23

Those pesky Steelers just won’t go away will they? Although they need tremendous help to earn a playoff spot, Pittsburgh played inspired football for the first time in weeks. It always helps when it is against a division rival doesn’t it? What does help, however, is when the team you are playing completely beats themselves. The Ravens had this game in the bag at least twice – if not three times – but 110 yards in penalties completely ruined their chances. We have never seen Baltimore play more sloppy football than on Sunday. The twou touchdowns they had called back could have been the difference this season, let alone this game, and they let it slip through their fingers.
Game Ball: Ravens tight end Todd Heap had two receptions, both for touchdowns, for 37 yards.

Rams 10 Cardinals 31

We don’t know why the Cards are celebrating their abismal season-ending schedule, but that’s how you get in to the playoffs these days. Kurt Warner was solid, and his favorite connection Larry Fitzgerald was consistant again. The thing is, they were playing the Rams… led by Keith Null – the third string quarterback. Steven Jackson didn’t even play. As Adam Schefter said, St. Louis is one week away from being on the clock. Arizona is two weeks away from realizing that their success against sub-.500 teams doesn’t mean squat.
Game Ball: Anquan Boldin had eight receptions for 118 yards.

Lions 6 49ers 20

In another game that had absolutely no meaning, the 49ers scored 20 points on the Lions. Congratulations. You beat a team that is playing with their backup and third string quarterbacks, and has absolutely no leadership on the field. The Niners may end up .500 on the year, but they did not improve much from last year. Alex Smith isn’t playing the inspired football we expected, and we think Mike Singletary could only get more frustrated. The only offensive player with any impact was Frank Gore, as it has been for the last two weeks. They may be looking forward to next year, but San Francisco is in desperate need of a wake up call.
Game Ball: Gore had 71 yards and one touchdown rushing, but another 81 yards receiving on the day.

Jets 29 Colts 15

If you as us, Jim Caldwell is playing with fire. We completely understand resting your starters (especially the aching ones), but Caldwell didn’t even wait until they were ahead. The move caused the playoff picture in the AFC to shift, teams to lose their spots, and took away a chance at a history-making season. That isn’t to say that the Jets didn’t deserve this win (well, at least their defense did). Special teams wasn’t on the sideline were they? But the point is here that Peyton Manning shouldn’t have been on the sidelines… and sometimes a hall-of-fame quarterback should have a say in what happens on the field. We kinda wish Manning had less class.
Game Ball: Jets defense took control when the offense couldn’t. The fumble return for a touchdown by Marquis Douglas sealed the game, and closed the book on Indy’s undefeated season.

Broncos 27 Eagles 30

The Eagles weakness was exposed on Sunday… and we hope the other NFC teams were watching. Their glaring deficiencies – returning kicks and stopping decent wide receivers – were what made this game so close. Their explosive offense was what eventually gave them the win. The Eagles’ offense is so complicated and full of so many wrinkles, it is hard to imagine any team shutting them down completely. They have the deep threat, the incredible tight end, the running back(s)… you name it. The problem is their defense had holes and teams recognize that. Until Asante Samuels starts tackling people again, you can bet that teams will take the Eagles deep all day.
Game Ball: Brent Celek had four catches for 121 yards and one touchdown.

Cowboys 17 Washington 0

This wasn’t the beat down we expected after last week’s upset of the Saints, but Dallas keeps on winning. Where their offense was having trouble, the defense closed the deal. It was simple, but it got them their matchup: Meet the Birds, get the playoff spot. It does help that the ‘Skins are running around the field like a chicken with it’s head cut off… or that their coach is a lame duck and refuses to spend time bettering his young quarterback. We don’t think this counts as domination, but the ‘Boys can at least say they are winning in December.
Game Ball: Jason Witten had six receptions for 117 yards.

Vikings 30 Bears 36

Yes, it was exciting. But while Brett Favre has become the face of this Vikings team, it wasn’t entirely his fault. The notorious defense was weak, Adrian Peterson (who lost the game for them) was covered all night, and Jay Cutler played well – FINALLY. It’s Week 16 and Jay Cutler came out and decided he was still a good quarterback. Yes, his receivers stretched furthur than they usually do, but Cutler was on point the whole night and he won the Bears this game. As much as we love Peterson, he needs to not concentrate on getting another inch an worry about ball security. He has more fumbles than all other running backs this year – the good ones have maybe one or two and Peterson has six.
Game Ball: Cutler went 20 for 35 with 273 yards and four touchdowns.

Week 16 Recap

Injury Report: Philadelphia center Jamaal Jackson will be sidelined for the rest of the season. Jackson tore a ligament in his left knee, and will have surgery to repair the damage this week…While Carolina is out of the playoffs, they have the misfortune to have lost wide receiver Steve Smith. Smith broke his arm in the last few minutes of the third quarter. He still got the touchdown…
– Newspapers in North Carolina and South Carolina have reported that Panthers’ head coach Jim Fox and his staff are safe this season. Although this is Fox’s last year of his contract, the Panthers have reportedly assured the coach his job is safe… for now.
– After Sunday’s embarassing loss,  both head coach Tom Coughlin and quarterback Eli Manning came out to appologize to fans. The pair took center stage Monday, Manning in the locker room and Coughlin during a press conference. They both appeared confused as well.

And the UDU Game Ball goes to…

While the news these days follows the Saints and the Colts, and maybe a little Brett Favre, Tom Brady and New England have been flying under the radar. With the win Sunday, the Pats clinched the AFC East and a playoff spot. Brady was perfect in the game, throwing four touchdown passes along the way to a rout of the Jags.

One down…

Posted: December 22, 2009 in Corianne Egan, Matt Shanley, NFL Updates
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Analysis of Week 15 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Colts 35 Jaguars 31

Every week, these undefeateds get a little closer to losing their way. The Colts, however, stayed on course. Peyton Manning seemingly got out of his funk, and Indianapolis needed a performance like that to find their way over the desperate Jaguars. His completions to Reggie Wayne (five for 132 yards and one touchdown) and Dallas Clarke (seven for 95 yards and two touchdowns) made this game exciting from the start, but it was Jacksonville’s Maurice Jones Drew, who ran for 110 yards and one touchdown, that gave the Jags  lightning. For the record, David Gerrard was one costly interception away from proving himself on national television.
Game Ball: Peyton Manning went 23 for 30 for 308 yards and four touchdowns.

Cowboys 24 Saints 17

We can’t say we are entirely surprised. Tony Romo and the Cowboys have had decent games (Romo has been playing extremely well as a matter of fact) and just have not been able to come away with the win. While Romo got the job done, he didn’t exactly outplay Drew Brees and the Saints by himself. The key to this game was a massive surge from DaMarcus Ware and the Dallas defense, who forced two of Brees’ fumbles as well as an interception and held New Orleans run game to only 65 yards total. It was truly inspirational to see Ware come back from that injury and play the game the right way.
Game Ball: Miles Austin had seven catches for 139 yards and one touchdown.

Patriots 17 Buffalo 10

Traditionally, the Pats put up huge numbers and beat the Bills fair and square. This week, Buffalo beat themselves. Tony Brady didn’t have to throw bombs, Lawerence Maroney didn’t have to run the length of the field, and the defense…well they didn’t really have to try. The Bills had 100 penalty minutes in just the first half of the football game, finishing the game with 124, completely giving New England control of the game. The Pats’ defense, who now looks like the who’s-who of Madden 2001, came alive behind Junior Seau and Tully Banta-Cain, but it wasn’t a great effort.
Game Ball: Banta-Cain had three sacks on the day.

Arizona 31 Lions 24

We will say it every week if we have to – give this Lions team a couple more years and they will be competitive again, and this week they were behind third-stringer Drew Stanton who only threw for 72 yards total!  Even the Lions’ defense was up for the task of defending the great Kurt Warner, who is looking older and more tired by the day. What we are happy about is the rookie, Beanie Wells, grabbing the first hundred-yard game of his career.  One thing is for sure: The Lions can not and will not play behind Daunte Culpepper and actually win.
Game Ball: Wells had 17 rushes for 110 yards and one touchdown.

Dolphins 24 Titans 27

After a couple of lack-luster weeks, Vince Young is back with a vengeance. The Titans just won’t go away, and their defense took care of business against Miami. The Dolphins had gotten their wake up call: One good week does not mean Chad Henne is good enough to run your team around. His three interceptions pretty much cancelled out all of the running Ricky Williams did (80 yards and one touchdown’s worth). Miami’s defense didn’t look so hot either – Justin Gage only had 43 yards receiving but his short-yardage catches led to two touchdowns, and Chris Johnson had his ninth straight 100+ yard game.
Game Ball: Young went 14 for 27 with 236 yards and three touchdowns.

Browns 41 Chiefs 34

Did you think this game would be this great? The best part = Brady Quinn got another win today, and he only threw for a total of 66 yards. And this is two in a row for Cleveland! By now you know the story lines: Third string backup Jerome Harrison runs for 286 yards, while Josh Cribbs returns two 100+ kicks for touchdowns. What you may not know is that Kansas City running back Jamaal Charles had 154 more rushing yards and one touchdown. Matt Cassel can’t catch a break these days.
Game Ball: We will give it to Harrison, who along with those 286 yards had three touchdowns and averaged 8.6 yards per carry.

Texans 16 Rams 13

Hey Houston! When we say you are completely inconsistent, this is what we mean. Not only did the Texans struggle with St. Louis, but they damn near almost lost this game. The numbers here don’t match up. Matt Schaub had a fantastic game, going 28 for 40 with 367 yards and one touchdown. Keith Null only completed passes for 173 yards and threw an interception. Andre Johnson had 150 yards more than any Ram receiver. The Texans even held Steven Jackson under one hundred yards. They just can’t get it done some days, beyond all reason, and we can’t figure it out.
Game Ball: Johnson had nine catches for 196 yards.

Falcons 10 Jets 7

You keep giving them the ball, eventually they are going to score. Matt Ryan and the Falcons continue to look horrible, but they escaped with the W after numerous mistakes by the Jets. New York’s offense just couldn’t get going – After Mark Sanchez’s three interceptions, Thomas Jones only racked up 52 yards, while Braylon Edwards’ big catches led to only one touchdown. For the record, it must suck to be Kellen Clemmens… but make no mistake Atlanta did not look any better, even behind Ryan. There just isn’t enough time or space to diagnose what is wrong with these two teams.
Game Ball: NO ONE.

Raiders 20 Broncos 19

Denver must be in trouble. Oakland went thru three quarterbacks: Charlie Frye, JaMarcus Russell, and JP Lossman – all of whom only three for a combined 102 yards – and they still somehow managed to upset the Broncos. The fire in Denver’s eyes earlier in the season is gone, and the Broncos are looking at potentially missing the playoffs and having an identical season as last year’s. We won’t have answers to most of the questions this game raised, but the fact that JaMarcus Russell threw the game-winning touchdown means one thing: They will never be able to truly part ways with them.
Game Ball: Michael Bush had 18 carries for 133 yards and one touchdown.

Bengals 24 Chargers 27

This was an especially tough one to watch. It was also incredibly out of character for both teams. Both Philip Rivers and Carson Palmer played almost identical mediocre games. Both teams’ rushing games were all but completely shut down. It came down to two things: San Diego has a better receiving core and that Cincinnati’s defense slipped for just one split second… oh and Nate Kaeding’s leg is extreme to say the least. When Antonio Gates is having a bad day, Vincent Jackson steps up, and that makes them very hard to defend.
Game Ball: Jackson had five catches for 108 yards and two touchdowns.

49ers 13 Eagles 27

At the end of the day we have learned three things: San Fran is not there, yet… There won’t be a game where DeSean Jackson doesn’t get behind you at least once… And the Eagles should be on the league’s radar. Donovan McNabb threw two interceptions, but he never gets points for the touchdown he scored on an eight yard run or the laser passes to Jackson down the field. The defensive side of the football was equally as impressive, although they failed to shut down Frank Gore who had another 100+ yard game. The worst part of the whole day was potentially losing Michael Vick because that was a surprisingly effective part of their offense. The Eagles do, however, need to play a more disciplined game – those penalties and missed plays could cost them a playoff game against a team that can take advantage.
Game Ball: Action Jackson had six catches for 140 yards and one touchdown.

Packers 36 Steelers 37

To be honest, we can’t believe the Steelers are still considered “in the hunt”. It took Ben Roethlisberger five hundred passing yards to keep it that way. Usually, games between these two are centered around defense and huge stops. Apparently, that is no more. We are surprised and somewhat dismayed that the Steelers defense couldn’t get through to Aaron Rodgers more than once, while the Pack had Big Ben on his back five times. For two nitty-gritty teams, this was all passing, quick movement, and a very high scoring game. Overshadowed in Roethlisberger’s numbers is the fact that Aaron Rodgers threw three touchdown passes as well – just not that fateful final one. They just couldn’t stay on the outside looking in could they?
Game Ball: Roethlisberger went 29 for 46 with 503 yards and three touchdowns.

Buccaneers 24 Seattle 7

Once again: Matt Hasselbeck is on his way out. And no, Senece Wallace is not the answer here. It looks like Tampa Bay’s growing pains are starting to pay off  – the team has a quarterback who is getting smarter with each game and can obviously rebound, as well as a defense who knows how to take advantage of the opportunities they are given. Maybe in the coming years they will be what they once were, but Seattle, we can say with utmost certainty, will not. Their quarterback may be pretty horrible, but their receivers are even worse (yes, we mean you TJ Houshmandzadeh) and their defense can’t stop a thing. They need an overhaul, and Jim Mora will be the guy to do it.
Game Ball: Josh Freeman went 16 for 26 for 2o5 yards and two touchdowns.

Bears 7 Ravens 31

Like most weeks, we could go on and on about what is so wrong with the Bears… but maybe we should concentrate on what went so right with Baltimore. With Cincinnati slipping, they are surging for a playoff spot and what a showing to prove themselves. Joe Flacco’s arm could be considered perfect after this performance – although we will say some of his receivers dropped those perfectly thrown balls – and their defense showed heart and tenacity. Chicago can’t hope to win a game on six turnovers, three of which were by Jay Cutler, although they did limit the penalties this week. It’s a long road to redemption for the Bears… but in Baltimore they will be celebrating.
Game Ball: Joe Flacco went 21 for 29 for 234 yards and four touchdowns.

Vikings 7 Panthers 26

For such a great record, the entire Vikings team looks tired and completely unaware that they still need to earn that second seed. We won’t put this all on  Brett Favre’s shoulders, although controversy and other issues stem from his actions Sunday. That crazy defense looked completely besides themselves. Jon Stewart ran all over them, Steve Smith was pretty much allowed to run where he wanted when he wanted, and this was with backup quarterback Matt Moore at the helm! Julius Peppers came out like a complete animal – he had one sack, but completely destroyed Favre all night. Carolina needed this wake up earlier in the season… and something tells us Jake Delhomme is not welcome there right now.
Game Ball: Moore went 21 for 33 with 299 yards and three touchdowns.

Giants 45 Redskins 12

The Redskins had been playing remarkably well – that is until apparently this week. We have to say it – someone has to – that they looked completely confused and like they had no idea of the plays let alone how to execute them. The Giants, searching for a way back in to the playoff spot, took advantage of that. Eli Manning looked close to perfect, connecting with three different receivers for touchdowns, and their running game looked back on track (granted, it was used in the right situations). Five sacks by their defense obviously had Jason Campbell looking through his ear hole, but thats no excuse for his abismal performance.
Game Ball: Manning went 19 for 26 with 268 yards and three touchdowns.

Week 15 Wrap Up

Injury Report: Eagles runningback Brian Westbrook plans to practice with the first team this week. He is expected to be available this coming Sunday against Denver… Tennessee lost linebackers Keith Bullock and David Thornton for the season. Bullock tore his ACL Sunday, while Thornton is having season-ending shoulder surgery this week…
– After their loss to the Panthers Sunday, Brett Favre made some widely inappropriate comments about his coach, Brad Childress, trying to remove him from the game. There is a time and a place boys… and that place is never at a press conference.
– Contrary to previous beliefs that Mike Holmgren would be taking over as head coach in Cleveland, Monday he signed a contract to become the team’s new president. Holmgren is expected to be involved in both personell decisions as well as game planning.
– The Cowboys cut place kicker Nick Folk Monday after a series of missed field goals. They replaced the kicker with Shaun Suisham, who was cut earlier this year for being horrible in Washington.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes to…

This week, this wasn’t that hard of a choice. Cleveland’s games this season have normally been nothing short of disasterous, but this week they have someone to thank for victory: Jerome Harrison. Harrison rushed for 286 yard (only ten shy of the record), breaking Jim Brown’s Cleveland record. His runs nearly netted the win for the Browns – seeing that their passing offense was limited to only 66 yards. Harrison rushed for more yards than Thomas Jones, Cedric Benson, LaDainian Tomlinson, Joseph Addai, and Marion Barber combined (thank you Adam Schefter)… not bad for a third-stringer.

Analysis of Week 14 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Steelers 6 Browns 13

On Friday morning, we really still weren’t sure what happened. The only statistic that completely stands out is that the Pittsburgh couldn’t get a running game started, while the Browns put up over 170 yards. Almost every other stat is completely equal – time of possession, turnovers (which surprisingly was zero for both teams), penalties even favored the Steelers. There was no reason for them to lose this game other than the fact that they are banged up and without the same leadership as last year. Another Thursday night game goes down in the books as boring… there wasnt only one touchdown in this one! The only thing we are sure of is that the Steelers have almost no hope to return to the playoffs, something that is sure to damper the defending champs’ spirits.
Game Ball: Josh Cribbs had only eight carries in the game, but managed 87 yards. That’s 10.3 yards per carry, and only three shy of Brady Quinn’s offensive output.

Saints 26 Falcons 23

Another week, another win, another close call for the Saints. This is another game in which the stats are deceiving. Atlanta wasn’t coming back, the Saints were letting them back in the game. Penalties and bone-headed plays made the Falcons come close, but again no team can really put New Orleans away. Drew Brees had another spectacular week – his eighth week finishing with a quarterback rating of over 100 – but we are wondering where their rush offense went (oh yea, it’s was nixed when Mike Bell was injured). We are glad about one thing: With his interception, Johnathan Vilma got his name in the headlines and people will start to pay attention to his amazing play.
Game Ball: Reggie Bush is getting a bad wrap, but he was all over the field. Bush had two touchdowns as a receiver, with a total of 79 all-purpose yards.

Packers 21 Bears 14

For Jay Cutler, a two touchdown, two interception 200 yard game is pretty good. Too bad it wasn’t enough. This week Aaron Rodgers was back on the ground after getting sacked two times, but the difference was that he didn’t have to solely rely on throwing the ball thanks to Ryan Grant’s emergence. This game was way too close, and for 9-4 the Packers are looking a little limp. Their team, who looked so amazing last week, struggled and their defense seemingly took a break for a quarter.
Game Ball: Grant had 20 carries for 137 yards and two touchdowns.

Colts 28 Broncos 16

Peyton Manning and the Colts came out so hot that it was nearly impossible for the Broncos to catch up. Even with Brandon Marshall’s record-setting game and Brian Dawkins’ two interceptions, Denver just couldn’t stop the offense that is so exposive. Manning has been sloppy the last three weeks, this week throwing three interceptions, but his receivers continue to deliver (especially Dallas Clark this week) and they get it done. We are actually baffled by how they win, but it must have something to do with Dwight Freeney and that defense.
Game Ball: Clark had only 43 yards on five catches, but he was unstoppable in the red zone with three touchdowns.

Bills 16 Chiefs 10

It’s hard enough for Kansas City to win a game, let alone trying to do it when Matt Cassell has four interceptions. The struggling quarterback continues to prove that it’s all in the team around you (when you’re in New England, it’s not hard to be mediocre). Not that Ryan Fitzpatrick and his 84 yards of offense did any better. We would say Cassell lost the game – but the Bills turned it over three times as well and the game was one of the sloppies we’ve seen. You can’t expect much from these two though can you?
Game Ball: Ryan Lindell kicked three field goals. That’s how they won. My God.

Bengals 10 Vikings 30

To be honest, we really thought this game was going to be much more interesting. Instead, what we got was a complete mismatch. Favre doesn’t have to have his best games when Adrian Peterson is awake, and was he ever. After a terrible showing against the Cardinals last week, Minnesota came out on their game and got it done. They limited Carson Palmer to only 94 yards, shut down all receivers, and then allowed AP to go to work. That’s not to say Favre’s receivers didn’t have a good day – he threw to his five favorite targets for 192 yards – but when Peterson is on, he’s the topic of conversation.
Game Ball: Peterson had 97 yards and two touchdowns.

Panthers 10 Patriots 20

It wasn’t the cleanest of wins, but the Patriots pulled it out and then proceded to make the Panthers look like idiots. The center of attention in this one is obviously Randy Moss, who was apparently underperforming, but the best part of the entire thing is that normally tight-lipped Tom Brady and Bill Belichick both shot insults over to Carolina. Matt Moore wasn’t great, and the only chink in New England’s armour seemed to be Steve Smith, who had two giant catches for 83 yards. The Pats won this one straight, and it’s time for Carolina to sit back and shut up.
Game Ball: Every week, we will give it to Wes Welker. It’s amazing no one has figured out how to cover him. Welker had 10 receptions for 105 yards.

Jets 26 Bucaneers 3

ESPN’s headline said “Jets Dont Miss Sanchez”, but that makes it seem like their passing offense got kick started. Kellen Clemmens minimized his mistakes, and that’s about it. Then again, it’s kind of hard to make a mistake when your only throwing for 111 yards. The Jets owe this one to Thomas Jones, their incredible defense, and of course, Jay Feely’s leg. New York’s secondary ate Josh Freeman for breakfast, causing three interceptions and a fumble in the process (the rookie has a grand quarterback rating of 12). Even Calvin Pace seemed back to form, with a sack and three other TFLs in the game.
Game Ball: Jones was NY’s only offense had 99 yards and two touchdowns.

Dolphins 14 Jaguars 10

Guess who’s over .500? Miami flexed their muscles, and even though the win was only by four points, they controlled the game. Along with their intense run game, the Dolphins won the battle thru the air. To quote Adam Schefter, who says the Dolphins don’t have receivers. This week it was Greg Camarillo (for the second straight week, WHO?) who had seven receptions for 110  yards. The Dolphins could be a complete outside shot, but they aren’t out just yet.
Game Ball: Ricky Williams had 28 carries for 108 yards and one touchdown.

Lions 3 Ravens 48

This may be the first game where we have seen the Lions look completely lifeless, and we have a sneaking suspicion is has something to with being led by Daunte Culpepper. Their offense was stagnant, their defense was uninspired… it was like watching a college team play the Ravens. Baltimore on the other hand obviously looked great. Their offensive numbers are simply staggaring, especially Ray Rice and Willis McGahee who completely controlled the entire game with just over 230 yards rushing between them. Joe Flacco seems to get better as the year goes on, and now we are talking about the Ravens in the hunt rather than the Steelers.
Game Ball: Rice had 166 yards on 13 carries with one touchdown, but also pulled in 53 yards on four catches… a total of over 200 yards on the day.

Seahawks 7 Texans 34

This is the consistancy we talked about. Matt Schaub to Andre Johnson may be the best connection on a team that may miss the playoffs. Neither team did much on the ground, but when you look at Schaub against Matt Hasselbeck you are seeing the past vs. the future. The Texans need to work on their fumble problems in the off season, but for now they can get by with their up and coming defense and a flashy offense. They are missing Steve Slaton, however, because Ryan Moats just isn’t cutting it.
Game Ball: Johnson was phenominal, catching eleven passes for 193 yards and two touchdowns.

Rams 7 Tennessee 47

If you don’t know who we are giving the game ball too, you have serious problems. Both Kerry Collins and Vince Young had great games (its just too bad Young wasn’t in the entire game). This week was slightly different in the fact that Tennessee’s defense got in on the fun, but that probably had something to do with them being able to play against a third string quarterback on a pretty crappy team. There’s not much to say beyond the fact that this was one of the most out-of-control games of the weekend.
Game Ball: Chris Johnson, duh! The guy had 117 yards rushing with two touchdowns, but another 69 yards receiving and a touchdown. If you are counting, he is 374 yards away from 2000.

Redskins 34 Raiders 13

Get this Raiders: The problem isn’t Bruce Gradkowski. The problem is that you don’t have a running back or a decent receiver. The problem is that you refuse to make the right decisions for the team – and that Tom Cable is actually feeding into this crap. The Redskins and Jason Campbell used this game to their advantage, and actually came away with a pretty convincing win. Campbell had a solid game, while the Skins split time evenly between rushing and receiving giving RB Quentin Ganther two touchdowns and then WR Fred Davis another two spot. Oakland really looks just silly these days.
Game Ball: In one of his first solid performances this season, Campbell went 16 for 28 with 222 yards and two touchdowns.

Chargers 20 Dallas 17

News flash Tony Romo/Wade Phillips… We are going to continue to say you guys suck in December until you don’t suck in December. The last second touchdown that brought it so close doesn’t make this a close one. Sixty-eight yards in penalties is completely ridiculous. One could make the point that Tony Romo is doing well, but he really needs help from a failing rushing game and a defense that seems to let everything through. Their heart and soul, DeMarcus Ware, was gone and so was their will to play.
Game Ball: While the ‘Boys were worried about Antonio Gates, Vincent Jackson snuck by everyone and caught seven catches for 120 yards.

Eagles 45 Giants 38

This one was sloppy and completely out of character for both teams, but isn’t it always that way in this NFC East rivalry? The Eagles played a scrappy game, but at least it was exciting. What can you say? Both Eli Manning and Donovan McNabb played solid games (partly because no one challenged them), but turnovers by Manning eventually killed the Giants and made the difference in the game. No one can discount the Eagles though – their late December urges always put them in a good position come playoff time.
Game Ball: DeSean Jackson caught six passes for 178 yards and one touchdown, but also returned a punt for 72 yards and a touchdown.

Cardinals 9 49ers 24

To be honest, we really didn’t think we would see this. It’s not that the Niners aren’t a good team – we were very dissapointed in their performance this season – it’s just that Arizona seemed like they were back on track and ready to clinche. Let’s give credit where credit is due. San Fran’s defense was ferocious last night, causing seven turnovers (tying the season high for the NFL). Kurt Warner didn’t look like himself, their offense couldn’t get started, and after a big first quarter, their defense just died. San Fran deserves this win, especially Patrick Willis (one sack) and Ahmad Brooks (three sacks) who were incredible.
Game Ball: Obviously it helps to have Frank Gore when Alex Smith isn’t having his best game. Gore went 167 yards with one touchdown.

Week 14 Wrap Up

Injuries: Dallas linebacker DeMarcus Ware was injured on a hit in the fourth quarter and was taken off of the field on a stretcher. The Cowboys revealed Ware has suffered a neck strain and is possibly even playing next weekend… After a ghastly showing against the Vikings, quarterback Carson Palmer came out to media and said his elbow is “101%” and he is not hiding an injury… Titans quarterback Vince Young suffered a hamstring strain after a 44-yard run in Sunday’s win. He said he could have come back in the game had it not been a blow out, and is listed as day-to-day by coach Jeff Fischer… Jets QB Mark Sanchez will practice this week, but his status for next week is still uncertain… Oakland QB Bruce Gradkowski missed the second half of Sunday’s game with a knee issue. Head coach Tom Cable said they will wait and see what happens before naming JaMarcus Russell the starter…
– San Francisco’s team president announced Sunday that the jobs of the GM and head coach Mike Singletary are safe. Again, this was announced before Monday night’s win.
– To go with that news, Tom Coughlin assured Giants nation that his defensive coordinator’s job was safe after a horrible defensive showing against the Eagles this week.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes to…

DeSean Jackson is always exciting to watch. This season, he may break the record for most touchdown receptions over 50 yards. Sunday night was no exception. Jackson had a 178 yards and two touchdowns in the game, but it isn’t about numbers with this guy, it’s about how he does it. The first was a punt 72 yard punt return, in which Jackson dodged multiple tackles then ran down the sideline the entire way with cat-like precision. The next was a 60 yard pass from Donovan McNabb, which left Jackson to run the last five yards completely backwards and do a great endzone dance. We can’t believe it’s only his second year in this league.

Video courtesy of NFL Network.

Analysis of Week 13 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Jets 18 Bills 13

It wasn’t a fantastic game, but the Jets pulled it out and are back in the wildcard hunt. What Jets fans will remember from Week 13 is how much they miss Mark Sanchez when he’s gone, because Kellen Clemmons was simply awful. Rex Ryan turned to hard-nosed football on this one – good old fashioned defense and an in-your-face run game will always get you places. 249 rushing hards holds on to the game for you, while the defense ate Ryan Fitzpatrick alive. The Jets are at .500, and I don’t think they care how they did it.
Game Ball: In a world where there are only two touchdowns, Thomas Jones had 23 carries for 109 yards.

Falcons 7 Eagles 34

Everyone is talking about Michael Vick and his return to Atlanta, but let’s get one things straight: Reggie Brown caught that ball, which could have easily been an embarrassing interception and the hole he ran through was large enough for the Partridge Family’s bus to go through. That being said, it was great to see the Eagles come together on both sides of the ball. Donovan McNabb was shaky, but you couldn’t tell by the points he put up, and their savior was Leonard Weaver, who the Eagles had yet to use to his ability (until, you know, this week). Leave it to the defense to stay flashy, but the Eagles stunned Atlanta and it looks like the Falcon’s season may be in shambles after losing their two offensive stars.
Game Ball: Although Vick is getting all of the attention, Weaver ha 63 receiving yards and a touchdown, along with 37 yards rushing on only five carries (that’s an average of 7.4 yards per carry).

Rams 9 Bears 17

The Bears should have won this game, and it’s no big surprise they did. The scary part is that St. Louis and their field goal happy offense almost came back on them. Cutler wasn’t fantastic, but is he every anymore? Their defense kept a horrible quarterback from completing enough passes to get the Rams into the red zone. At the end of the day, it was nothing to write home about for Chicago. St. Louis, on the other hand, is in desperate need of offensive weapons besides Steven Jackson, who was one yard away from equaling Kyle Boller’s total passing yards on the day. They also need to start putting some of their players in time out… 85 yards worth of penalties and two turnovers will never win you a game.
Game Ball: Jackson had 112 yards on the day.

Lions 13 Bengals 23

Interesting fact: The Lions have scored first in seven of their games this season, and that has only translated into two wins. What looks like an excellent start to every game eventually comes crashing down, as it did again this week. Cincinnati had a horrible game from Carson Palmer, but enjoyed the services of their defense, Matthew Stafford’s injury, and a returning Cedric Benson to combine for the win.  If you watched the game, it looked like a bad dance where everyone was off rhythm the entire time. The penalties only made it work. Bush league, my dear Bengals.
Game Ball: Chad Ochocinco pulled in nine catches for  137 yards and a touchdown, and one very entertaining sombrero celebration.

Titans 17 Colts 27

It was too good to be true, but don’t give up on the Cinderella story just yet. Indianapolis had to put up monsterous numbers just to score 27 points, and their running was established and used in the right ways with Joseph Addai scoring two touchdowns and running for 79 yards. Vince Young looked in pain and he was forced to air it out (nine receivers had over 10 yards) even though Chris Johnson had yet another 100+ yard game. What more do they have to do? Maybe, stop Peyton Manning.
Game Ball: Pierre Garcon didn’t have a touchdown, but his six catches for 136 yards took the wind out of Tennessee’s sails.

Broncos 44 Chiefs 13

We wish we could say that the Broncos are back on track, but this was against the Chiefs wasn’t it. Forty-four points are enough, but they way they got them was even better. Denver had 245 rushing yards, thanks largely in part to Knowshon Moreno and Correll Buckhalter, which essentially led them to control the entire game.  It was, however, a relief to see Todd Hailey bench Matt Cassel for Brodie Croyle, especially after Cassel went 10 for 29 with two interceptions. He just wasn’t worth the money, and now it has been proven.
Game Ball: Buckhalter may have had 113 yards, but Moreno used his 86 yards for two touchdown runs.

Pats 21 Dolphins 22

The mainstream media this morning acted like the sky was falling, but is this really that surprising? The AFC East is weak and up in the air as of now, and seeing New England’s second half collapse just proves it. What was interesting, however, was seeing Miami go traditional passing game (yet again, trying something different). Chad Henne put up numbers that Miami hadn’t seen since the great Dan Marino, and it eventually helped them win. We guess people just aren’t used to seeing New England look ridiculous, constantly pushing the envelope and coming away with nothing. Even Tom Brady looked miserable. Maybe trading away/letting go all of your top veterans wasn’t the best idea.
Game Ball: Devone Bess had 10 receptions for 117 yards and a touchdown.

Raiders 27 Steelers 24

We could regail you with the same stories of how the Steelers are taking a turn for the worse, but we are more concerned with the Raiders and their new game plan. They have four wins this season – but think about who they beat (while Kansas City is a throw away, they pulled out wins against Cincinnati, Philadelphia, and now Pittsburgh). Bruce Gradkowski is a pleasure to watch, considering we’ve watched JaMarcus Russell not complete a pass all season. Gradkowski and relative unknown Louis Murphy tag teamed the Steelers, who are floundering and know it. At this rate, we would sooner bet on Pittsburgh to tank and miss the playoffs than any other scenario.
Game Ball: Gradkowski went 20 for 33 with 308 yards and three touchdowns.

Saints 33 Redskins 30

This is why they invented the phrase “by the skin of their teeth”. The Saints pulled this win out, and it wasn’t any less exciting than their first 11 wins. What is the ironic part: for being the worst in the NFC they have a great defense. The entire Saints team returned to normal in the last five minutes of the game, and, of course, in overtime. The only problem was that if the ‘Skins had any semblance of a team they could have ended the game on a 23 yard field goal, or on that interception (the fumble that was returned to the Saints). It just proves: You can play the best game of your life, but at the end of the day it’s the little things that kill you.
Game Ball: Robert Meachem was unstoppable. He had eight catches for 142 yards and a touchdown as well as a fumble return for a touchdown when he rescued the game for the Saints in the fourth quarter.

Buccaneers 6 Panthers 16

Rookie quarterback vs. second-stringer. And you wondered how this game would go. Josh Freeman throws five interceptions, and Matt Moore manages barely 160 yards of offense. The only thing that actually saved this game from being completely scoreless and played completely at the 50 yard line was running back Jon Stewart, who managed 100+ yards. Tampa Bay got what it deserved when they  made Freeman throw so much, especially after Cadillac Williams and Derrick Ward ran for 120 yards combined. They were 0-4 in the red zone, a statistic that isn’t surprising at all.
Game Ball: We’re going to give it to the only touchdown of the game, Stewart, who had 120 yards on the day.

Texans 18 Jacksonville 23

As the Texans continue on their road of inconsistency, the Jags are making their way into playoff contention very quietly. Jacksonville did blow a 17-0 lead, but their ability to hang on and complete the game is uncanny. After a shaky start last week, David Garrard came back to throw two touchdowns and nearly 240 yards to nine different receivers. The Texans did find out one thing: Rex Grossman is still horrible. On only his second throw of the game in relief of Matt Schaub, Grossman threw an interception.
Game Ball: Garrard went 15 for 28 with 238 yards, two touchdowns, and a completely turnover-free game.

Chargers 30 Browns 23

It took a fantastic game for Philip Rivers and another stellar performance by LaDainian Tomlinson to overcome a second straight decent performance by Brady Quinn. It’s not hard to run through a non-existent defense. Quinn went 25-45 with 271 yards and three touchdowns for his third straight game without an interception. The Chargers aren’t getting a lot of credit for being the kings of the West, but with Denver playing well again they are going to need more games like this one.
Game Ball: Rivers went 18 for 25 for 373 yards and two touchdowns.

Cowboys 24 Giants 31

The Cowboys are going to try and convince you that this win wasn’t the start of their December woes, but isn’t that what they always do? Their fans will only stop cringing when the Cowboys prove them wrong. How the Giants won this game when Eli Manning completed only eleven passes is beyond us, but it has something to do with their defense and Dallas’ turnovers.  Tony Romo had an incredible game – he threw over 100 yards to both Jason Witten and Miles Austin. It was in the end the running game that killed Dallas – they were held to only 46 yards and an embarrassing fumble.
Game Ball: Romo went 41 for 45 with 392 yards and three touchdowns.

49ers 17 Seahawks 20

Holding Frank Gore to only 25 yards is a feat in and of itself, but making him the reason the Niners essentially lost this game is a big deal. His fumble at the end of the game was a deal breaker – oh how quickly the mighty fall. With a performance as good as Alex Smith’s you would think San Fran had this game won, but you never know with this team. Seattle didn’t look strong necessarily, but Matt Hasselbeck led the last charge and got them the win, even if it was by just three points.
Game Ball: Vernon Davis had six catches for 111 yards and a touchdown

Vikings 17 Cardinals 30

The Vikings looked like they were a sub-.500 team against Darnell Dockett and the Arizona defense. Everyone is giving the defense props, but Kurt Warner, Tim Hightower and Larry Fitzgerald took their offense to a new level on a defense that has been very sketchy as of late. The Vikings have a lot to take care of, but we like how Brett Favre came out after the game and took the blame. His two interceptions proved costly, but it was his first multiple-interception game of the season. Minnesota’s entire rushing game, including the great Adrian Peterson, were held to 62 yards in total – something we never thought was possible.
Game Ball: Larry Fitzgerald had eight catches for 143 yards and one touchdown.

Baltimore 15 Packers 27

What we saw? A pretty boring Monday Night Football game and exactly what Aaron Rodgers can do when he’s not on his back the entire game. Yes, he threw two interceptions, but Rodgers was definately the shining star here. We agree with Trent Dilfer on this one (but don’t tell anyone that): If Rodgers wins a playoff game he has to be in qlite group of quarterbacks. The defense, however, was incredible – they held the Ravens to only 185 total yards, including limiting Ray Rice to only 54.
Game Ball: As Aaron Rodgers’ target of choice this weekend, Jermichael Finley caught seven passes for 79 yards and two touchdowns.

Week 13 Wrapup

– Injury Report: Vikings linebacker EJ Henderson had surgery Monday on a broken left leg. His return this season is improbable… After diving for a first down Thursday, Jets QB Mark Sanchez sprained his PCL (a knee ligament). Coach Rex Ryan is optimistic he will start Sunday… Steelers receiver Hines Ward strained his hamstring late in Sunday’s loss. He is questionable for Thursdays game, although we think that no matter what, he should play…Matt Stafford is thinking about taking a couple weeks off to heal his aging shoulder. The Lions have not released whether or not he will play… Rams safety OJ Atogwe may be out for the rest of the season after dislocating his right shoulder. The injury may require surgery…
– Notre Dame stars Golden Tate and Jimmy Clausen have announced that they will be going out for the 2010 Draft on Monday. They will both bypass their senior year.
– It’s been reported that ex Notre Dame Charlie Weiss is interested in the Bears offensive coordinator job. For the record, it isn’t open.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes to…

Robert Meachem’s game on Sunday was one that receivers dream of. He caught eight receptions for 142 yards and a touchdown, but stripped the ball off of an interception and returned it for a touchdown to tie the game and send it into overtime.

Analysis of Week 12 of the NFL

Game Recaps

Packers 34 Lions 12

Matthew Stafford’s first game on national television and he started out quick… only to have the Packers come back and completely overwhelm them. Stafford showed America and their Thanksgiving Day viewers that he is terribly inconsistent and has all the potential in the world. The Packers had another solid performance, especially the Aaron Rodgers/Donald Driver connection and Charles Woodson who caught two interceptions on the day. Green Bay is still in the hunt, and they are playing like they want the wild card spot.
Game Ball: Donald Driver had seven catches for 142 yards and one touchdown.

Dallas 24 Oakland 7

Before the game, announcers kept spewing stats on the Cowboys and how they win big on Thanksgiving. Their tradition continued in 2009. What they don’t tell you, however, is that their record the week after is abysmal. Dallas looked good, but they were playing Oakland who is starting brand new quarterback Bruce Gradkowski. Their offense is coming along well and Tony Romo is consistent (for the last couple of weeks), but let’s wait and see what happens in the coming weeks when they take on the Giants, Chargers, and the Saints.
Game Ball: Tony Romo went 12 for 29 with 309 yards and two touchdowns.

Giants 6 Denver 26

Two teams were skidding, only one could come out alive. What we are so surprised about is how much of a rout this was. The matchup with the most possible excitement was one-sided, leaving Thanksgiving football fans with no hope for a competition. The Giants looked tired and Eli Manning looked lackluster (which is a sentence that we are getting used to these days) throwing for only 230 yards with one interception. The Broncos looked fired up and went to work on New York, and while Kyle Orton wasn’t amazing, he controlled the game and minimized the mistakes so the Broncos, along with their surging defense, got back on track.
Game Ball: Knowshon Moreno came back from much criticism for 88 yards and a touchdown.

Buccaneers 17 Falcons 20

It took a last minute touchdown to overcome the Bucs, and it looks like Atlanta’s problems are just beginning. They lost Matt Ryan for at least a week due to turf toe,  and although replacement Chris Redman threw two touchdowns, he did not have nearly the same effect at Ryan does in the pocket. Michael Turner also was injured on the day, which made Atlanta’s Sunday quite possibly the worst Sunday for them this season (we mean, winning Sunday). The Buccaneers and Josh Freeman still have kinks to work out, but behind the rookie quarterback they seem rejuvenated.
Game Ball: Stylez White energized Tampa Bay’s defense with 2.5 sacks and three QB hits, two of which were for a loss.

Dolphins 14 Bills 31

Ok, so who in TO’s camp is going to go on the record and say “I told you so”? Doesn’t matter who is throwing it, when Terrell Owens decides he wants to play, he makes waves. He is also proving he isn’t completely a lost cause. A huge fourth quarter helped the Bills overcome their NFC East rival, but Chad Henne’s three interceptions almost gave then the game (and we are amazed that even in a loss Ricky Williams accrues over 100 yards). The Bills broke their losing streak, but the Dolphins are just beginning theirs, especially with New England, Houston, Titans, and Pittsburgh on the horizon.
Game Ball: Owens had five receptions for 96 yards and a touchdown including another big 51 yard touchdown pass.

Browns 7 Bengals 16

Ok, they won, but why didn’t they cream Cleveland? The answer: Not very much offense from Carson Palmer and way too many penalties. One hundred yards from each quarterback doesn’t constitute a good showing, but Cincinnati made up for it with their newest addition, Larry Johnson, who started and ran for 107 yards in his first game. In a game with just two touchdowns, that is about all your’re going to get from us. The Bengals need to right some of the things that are going wrong, before the Ravens wake up and realize they aren’t in the playoffs.
Game Ball: Shayne Graham had three field goals, and was arguably the most productive guy on the field.

Seahawks 27 Rams 17

Every week, we have to report on a game like this. You have to admit, no one thought Seattle’s rushing offense could beat out one-man-wrecking-crew Steven Jackson, but Justin Forsett ran for 100+ yards and essentially was the offense that got the Seahawks the win. Well, that and Kyle Boller’s two interceptions (one that was returned for a TD). Seattle had only 95 yards passing, which shows they are still on the decline still and Matt Hasselbeck is not coming back from this. Sloppy game, sloppy game plan… what more can you say?
Game Ball: Forsett ran for 130 yards and two touchdowns

Panthers 6 Jets 17

There have been reports that Mark Sanchez has an arm band that is color coded as to how careful he should be with the ball. But they won, so does it matter?  Don’t lie to yourself Jets fans, this wasn’t an offensive win. Two words for you: Darrelle Revis. Revis held Carolina’s top receiver Steve Smith to only five yards. The defense is there, but the offense isn’t and New York will continue to have problems with that. Carolina saw Jake Delhomme throw another four interceptions, and anything we thought about them getting a little better seems like it was pretty silly.
Game Ball: Revis was unstoppable.

Redskins 24 Eagles 27

The Eagles are a strong team that is great on paper, but they always find a way to screw it up. Jason Campbell and the skins lost another close division game this week, but they earned this loss by letting the Eagles back in it. Donovan McNabb isn’t consistent (he’s caught Tony Romo’s disease) and Andy Reid’s refusal to run the ball constantly ends in despair. They have six different receivers on the board, as well as Shady McCoy and Leonard Weaver on the ground, and the Eagles are still not playing to their potential. The Redskins’ defense was strong again, but the Eagles squeaked by again.
Game Ball: Jason Avant had five catches for 94 yards, averaging 18.8 yards per catch.

Colts 35 Texans 27

The Colts had to come back for this to happen, and the first thing that comes to mind with Houston is their problems with consistency. Unfortunately, Matt Schaub caught that disease, throwing two interceptions that eventually led to their downfall. Peyton Manning wasn’t on his game again, but Indy can’t lose and it all comes down to what he said after the game: They never panic. They never lose their composure. When they do, that’s when there will be problems. Manning had three touchdowns to three different receivers, showing the NFL once again that they are impossible to plan for.
Game Ball: Austin Collie was the only major receiver who didn’t have a touchdown, but he had four catches for 70 yards.

Chiefs 14 Chargers 43

Try watching Red Zone with this game on. Someone woke up LT and told him to go back to basics, and his stats show just how they used him today. Let’s be honest, the Chargers didn’t have to attack Kansas City on the ground, they went through the air and did just fine. Antonio Gates didn’t drop a pass, going for 118 yards and two touchdowns. Matt Cassell is a mess, and rotting away from any attention by doing worse each week, but we have to say three wins are much more than we thought they would get.
Game Ball: LaDainian Tomlinson had only 39 yards, but rediscovered himself in the end zone, rushing for two touchdowns.

Jaguars 3 49ers 20

Just when we think David Gerrard has taken a turn for the better, he goes and becomes the most fumble-prone quarterback in the league. Both quarterbacks just had to eliminate turnovers, and the difference was that Alex Smith did it, while Gerrard simply couldn’t. Jacksonville’s defense couldn’t hold San Fran from the scoring, especially Vernon Davis and Frank Gore who both had touchdowns on the day. They are one win away from being .500 once again, but the Niners have a lot of work to do.
Game Ball: Vernon Davis caught six passes for 69 yards and a touchdown.

Cardinals 17 Tennessee 20

By far the most exciting game of the day. We can’t lie, we are were glued to the screen as we watched Vince Young get set back to the one repeatedly. Then he comes out, and manufactures the best drive (and the best game) of his career, and we aren’t even surprised. The Titans ran all over Arizona, with 154 tailored Chris Johnson rushing yards and 387 yards through the air to eight different receivers. The only dark spot on the day was a Kenny Britt fumble, but 128 yards and that one amazing touchdown catch to end the day was more than enough to gain forgiveness.
Game Ball: Young may have gone 27 for 43 with 387 yards and one touchdown, but that last drive was the thing that careers (and seasons for that matter) are made of.

Bears 10 Vikings 36

Once the Chargers were off of the air, Red Zone was only covering the Vikings for the rest of the day. Brett Favre keeps getting better and his receivers look amazing… what more could you ask for? What is more amazing is that the Vikings aren’t nearly relying on Adrian Peterson as much as much as they usually do, partially because of his fumble issues. As for Jay Cutler and the Bears, with no offense and a defense that is missing it’s anchor, what can they do? They need a better running back, better receivers, they need better everything and it is becoming more and more apparent.
Game Ball: Percy Harvin had six receptions for 101 yards and one touchdown.

Pittsburgh 17 Baltimore 20

Dennis Dixon played pretty well, but he was splitting the snaps in practice because Ben Roethlisberger was expected to play. What happens when he doesn’t? His teammates questioned him and the Steelers are beginning to implode. They were pointing fingers while Joe Flacco, Ray Rice, and that ferocious defense picked them apart. Mark Clayton and Derrick Mason, as well as Ray Rice, stayed smart and caught the balls that were in their hands (which is saying a lot, because they often drop balls that are right in their numbers) and that was the end of it. Pittsburgh really has to watch it, they’re losing their grasp on the wild card spot.
Game Ball: Ray Rice had 19 rushed for 88 yards, alone with 5 catches for 67 yards.

Patriots 17 Saints 38

This really showed how incredible the Saints are playing. In the last few weeks, New Orleans has been playing catch up and Drew Brees may have looked a little tired… but tonight they came out and with their perfect season on the line, they took it. Not only did Brees play well, but their make-shift defense stopped Tom Brady and Wes Welker and Randy Moss all night. Like Peyton Manning and his many targets, Brees threw five touchdowns and 371 yards to seven different receivers. The Pats and Tom Brady didn’t look powerful tonight… and when is the last time you saw Tom Brady on the bench?
Game Ball: Drees had a passer rating of 158.3 after throwing for 371 yards and five touchdowns, but Marquis Colston caught five passes for 121 yards and one touchdown. Pick one.

Week 12 Wrap Up

–          Injuries: Two more Redskins players (Jeremy Jarmon, and Clinton Portis), will reportedly sit out for Washington’s game next week. Portis is still recovering from a concussion, while Jarmon injured his knee Sunday… Matt Ryan will sit out for next week’s game against the Eagles with a case of turf toe he injured on the Falcon’s first series Sunday… Cleveland’s Pro Bowl tackle Shaun Rodgers will be on the IR for the rest of the season because he needs surgery. The injury was not specified by the Browns or Eric Mangini…Mark Sanchez was limited in practice due to a sore left knee… Panthers QB Jake Delhomme has broken finger on his throwing hand that may finally put him on the bench. Carolina expects him out at least one week…Eagles receiver DeSean Jackson suffered a concussion in the Eagles’ win Sunday. It is not clear how long he will be out, although it will be at least one game…Kurt Warner will see an eye doctor concerning his concussion symptoms and issues with his eyes.
– Chiefs coach Todd Haley insists that Kansas City has not contacted Charlie Weiss to fill their open offensive coordinator slot. Not that we think they did anyway… Hailey considers himself an offensive genius and may actually need another person to help him.
– Carolina linebacker Jon Beason was arrested Monday night after reportedly punching another man in a strip club. He was charged with assault.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes to…

Based on pure excitement, we have to give it to Vince Young. Their last-minute come-from-behind win was incredible, as was that touchdown pass. Young only threw one touchdown, but it was the one that counted. Young’s arrival has energized the Titans, who have won five straight in dramatic fashion. They went from looking limp and lifeless to an offensive and defensive monster, and it is Young that has triggered it.


Analysis of Week 11 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Dolphins 24 Panthers 17

Does anyone watch Thursday Night Football this season? Two weeks, and two of the most boring and meaningless games later, we considered shutting the TV off. We watched to see if the Dolphins abandoned the Wild Cat after Ronnie Brown was injured. They didn’t. We watched to see if Jake Delhomme could go another game without an interception. He couldn’t. At least this week is Thanksgiving, so they are forced to put something interesting on.
Game Ball: Ricky Williams had 22 carries for 119 yards and two touchdowns after takin gover full-time running back duties.

Redskins 6 Cowboys 7

Arguably the worst played game of the day. Dallas may be winning, but they don’t look like a powerhouse by any means. The Cowboys are squeeking by,  but they won’t be for lon gif they keep this up. To beat the Redskins by one point is a joke, especially when your defense couldn’t even get to Jason Campbell all day. Washington played like they have all season, but the Cowboys can’t afford to keep things status quo. Their schedule gets worse as the weeks go on.
Game Ball: No thank you.

Browns 37 Lions 38

Did you expect this game was going to be this incredible? Couldn’t have asked for a better game out of Brady Quinn or Matthew Stafford, but simply watching Stafford battle through injury to come back and throw the game winning touchdown was something, wasn’t it? Our theory: Both teams are about good enough to win in Division I college football, so it’s no wonder Stafford and Quinn looked like stars. It does help, however, when you have Calvin Johnson and Brandon Pettigrew to catch those passes.
Game Ball: Brady Quinn went 21 for 33 with four touchdowns, his best performance of his career.

49ers 24 Packers 30

The 49ers are a powerful team, but their last awakenings/second-half comebacks aren’t enough this season. Mike Singletary has the right to be mad – his defense could only manage two sacks and couldn’t shut down Aaron Rodgers at all in the first half. Green Bay looked like the total team Sunday – Ryan Grant led on the ground while Greg Jennings led the air attack. The defense was strong including the secondary. Green Bay is creeping their way back into relevance.
Game Ball: Ryan Grant has 21 carries for 129 yards and a touchdown.

Steelers 24 Chiefs 27

What?! Huh?! Don’t worry, we have an explaination for this: Kansas City head coach Todd Hailey spent two weeks last year trying to beat the Steelers. While he couldn’t get it done in the Super Bowl, this win may have meant more. Yes, it was in overtime after Ben Roethlisberger was injured, but even with the wins, the numbers don’t match up. The Steelers played a great game, a complete game, so the statistics were a surprise. Let’s hope, for the Steelers sake, that Roethlisberger is alright.
Game Ball: Chris Chambers caught four passes for 119 yards, including the one that eventually won them the game.

Seahawks 9 Vikings 35

The Vikings are doing this quietly, but boy are they doing it. Brett Favre is getting better as the weeks go on, this time connecting with his four best recievers for touchdowns (Percy Harvin, Bernard Berrian, Visanthe Shiancoe, and Sidney Rice) before Seattle had even scored a point. At this time, Minnesota has so many weapons it’s got to be nearly impossible to game plan against them. Seattle, along with Matt Hasselbeck, looked lackluster (especially their run game, which went a grand total of four yards).
Game Ball: Brett Favre went 22 for 25 with 214 yards and four touchdowns.

Atlanta 31 Giants 34

Atlanta stages a valiant battle, but the Giants couldn’t lose five straight, could they? Eli Manning couldn’t let people think he was horrible, and the defense couldn’t have lost a step, could they? Not this week. The Giants stay in the hunt with the win, in part because their leading receivers (Mario Manningham and Steve Smith) seemingly returned to form. Atlanta may be out of the wildcard hunt, but we are more surprised that Matt Ryan hasn’t progressed this year at all (he may have even digressed a little).
Game Ball: Mario Manningham had six catches for 126 yards.

New Orleans 38 Buccaneers 7

You would think, with the coverage, that the Saints didn’t play Sunday. Oh, but they did. For a game that got off to an awfully slow start, the Saints sure put up some numbers. Tampa Bay, has lost that fire we saw in the last two weeks, especially Josh Freeman who looked startled to say the least. His three interceptions let the Saints dominate. Mike Bell and Pierre Thomas made up for the loss of  Reggie Bush. What was supposed to happen, did happen… to the Buc’s dismay.
Game Ball: Pierre Thomas went 92 yards on 11 carries.

Bills 15 Jaguars 18

This is what happens when you don’t hav ea running game. You can throw and throw and all you will get are interceptions and mismanagement. Terrell Owens got his big game and outplayed everyone on the field, but how can his day only translate to one touchdown for Buffalo? Answer: No running game. David Gerrard was sloppy and the Jags really need to tighten up their offense before they lose the games that wouldn’t put them in the playoffs.
Game Ball: Terrell Owens had nine catches for 197 yards and one, amazing, 98 yard touchdown catch.

Ravens 15 Colts 17

If you as us, as of now the Colts have had the toughest road to 10-0. Baltimore’s defense was ready for this matchip, and they did incredible against Peyton Manning, limiting him to one touchdown and two interceptions. They just have too much to guard, even for Baltimore’s defense. You block Dallas Clark? You left room for Pierre Garcon or missed Joseph Addai. even on his worst day, Peyton Manning is dangerous… and the Ravens learned that.
Game Ball: Pierre Garcon had six receptions for 108 yards.

Cardinals 21 Rams 13

ESPN’s Monday morning coverage mentioned that the bad teams are getting better as the weeks go on – as is the case with the Rams. They have a lot of holes to fill, but they gave Arizona a run for their money that suggests the Rams could be successful again some day. Steven Jackson had his fourth 100+  yard game in a row, but all fingers point to the quarterback, Marc Bulger, and his inability to keep the ball. Arizona may be 7-3, but no one is paying attention. The Kurt Warner/Larry Fitzgerald/Anquan Bodon connection is back, and the Cards are more threatening seeing that they are under the radar.
Game Ball: Anquan Boldon had eight receptions for 105 yards and one touchdown.

Chargers 32 Broncos 3

We really did think this would be a little more competitive, but San Diego wanted the AFC West so they went in to Denver and took it. Denver didn’t have much a choice in letting Kyle Orton play, but it was clear that he wasn’t the same and that he wasn’t in sync with the offense. That great Denver defense lost Brian Dawkins and never even got through to sack Philip Rivers, but it was the 200+ rushing yards that the Chargers put up that made the difference here. The Broncos can’t seem to stop the bleeding – their vets are injured, they are  yelling at each other, and it looks like they need leadership more than ever. Young Josh McDaniels needs to think of something… and quick.
Game Ball: The San Diego running backs – LaDainian Tomlinson, Mike Tolbert, Jacob Hester, and Darren Sproles – ran for 203 yards and two touchdowns, averaging 4.7 yards per carry on a whole.

Bengals 17 Raiders 20

Another head scratcher this week. The Bengals looked cocky and in control coming in – but perhaps that was too much. Behind new starter Bruce Gadkowski, Oakland showed us the team we have seen glimpses of all season (but that great team usually loses the game in the final minutes). Cincinnati’s defense that shut down the Steelers last week looked weak and tired. Three fumbles, an interception, and two Carson Palmer rushing touchdowns later (hey, if you don’t have a running back you have to do it yourself) the Bengals came out of this one looking stupid. The Raiders, however, we can assume will turn back into themselves at midnight… but this week was one to remember for Oakland fans everywhere.
Game Ball: The Oakland defense shut down Cincinnati to keep them in the game, and then held them to a shut-out fourth quarter to seal the deal.

Jets 14 Patriots 31

Even if the Jets didn’t have major injuries and a turnover-prone quarterback, the Pats still would have won. Whoever played them this week, after that fourth-and-two fiasco, was bound to get a beating. The  difference between this week and the last time they met was simple: Wes Welker. Because Darrelle Revis is so great at covering Randy Moss, Welker gives Tom Brady someone else to throw to. We are wondering, however, where Mark Sanchez of Week 3 went.
Game Ball: Laurence Maroney had 22 carries for 77 yards and two touchdowns.

Eagles 24 Bears 20

The Eagles seem to always find a way to win the game taht matter, so it was no surprise here. They’re playing well, and the tradition in Philly is getting better as the season goes on. Rookie running back Shady McCoy is progressing, McNabb is accurate, and their defense is still dangerous… but there is something lacking in Philadelphia. As for Jay Cutler and the Bears, we’re pretty sure they aren’t going to be the subject of any good news for the next couple months. It isn’t all Cutler’s fault – there’s the receivers who drop  balls aimed at their chest, and the defense who couldn’t stop my pee wee team. Can we start speculating about their off season yet?
Game Ball: Shady McCoy did fumble the ball, but he came back to the tune of 99 yards and one touchdown.

Titans 20 Houston 17

This game was a brawl from the start, but we were not sure who we wanted to see win. On one hand, you have Houston on the nation-wide screen for the first time this year, with an amazing offense and and upstart defense. On the other, you have Tennessee, who is surging behind Vince Young. The Titan’s rushing game, with Young involved, is untouched in the AFC (and maybe the league if they continue on this pace). You have two young guns, and no interceptions in a game? Any night that comes down to a last second field goal (after a last minute field goal) is an outstanding Monday night on this end.
Game Ball: Vince Young looked composed on Monday  night. He went 12 for 22 for 116 yards and one touchdown, but rushed 74 yards on ten carries.

Week 11 Wrap Up

– Injuries: Rams QB Marc Bulger is out for the next three to six weeks with a broken leg. Several MRIs revealed the break after the Rams thought he sustained just a muscle strain and a knee issue… Lions QB Matthew Stafford seperated his shoulder in the game against Cleveland on Sunday. He played in the game, throwing the game-winning touchdown pass before running off the field in pain. He may be out for the Thanksgiving game because of the short rest for the Lions… Although it was good news for Ben Roethlisberger’s head issues,Super Bowl foe Kurt Warner will undergo more tests to see if he did in fact sustain a concussion Sunday. The tests will be in around Thursday… While Roethlisberger isn’t nearly as bad as his injury could have left him, back-up Charlie Batch is having surgery on his wrist after sustaining an injury in his only series in overtime on Sunday. It is still unknown when Batch injured his wrist… Redskins running back Ladell Betts will be out for the rest of the season with strains to both the MCL and the ACL. Washington was already down one running back, with Clinton Portis out with a concussion… And finally, Bills C Eric Wood broke two bones in his left leg during play on Sunday. He is having surgery to repair the damage. DONT WATCH THE YOUTUBE VIDEO UNLESS YOU WANT TO GAG.
– In a meeting Monday, the NFL and the NFLPA have agreed on a more aggressive procedure for players with concussion, starting with hiring neurologists for each team. The NFL will be putting up half of the money to hire these doctors, and about half of the 32 teams in the league have been approved already.
– Tuesday morning, and we have a lot of disgruntled coaches out there. Browns “coach” Eric Mangini contends that the Lions were faking their injuries in order to slow the Browns down on Sunday, while Jets coach Rex Ryan is mad that the Patriots threw a long, hail mary pass when their game was already in hand. Ryan called the move “disrespectful”.
– Just keeps getting worse in Denver. During Sunday’s loss to the Chargers, wide receiver Brandon Marshall was seen on the sidelines screaming at rookie running back Knowshon Moreno, who had fumbled the ball on the goal line. The trash talk restarted Monday morning to reporters.
– In the beginning stages of their search for a new head coach, the Bills apparently reached out to Bill Cowher, who politely declined.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes to…

We know the Lions aren’t going to be a playoff team for at least the next two years, but Detroit showed the had heart on the shoulders of their young quarterback Matthew Stafford. Stafford gets our game ball because he led all quarterbacks on Sunday by going 26 for 43 for 422 yards and five touchdowns. He threw two interceptions, but who wouldn’t when your throwing that much (Stafford was forced to make up for a running game that barely netted 57 yards). The final play of the game, Stafford begged to be on the field even with a seperated shoulder, and launched a rocket for the game winning TD. Tell us he has no heart, and we will ask you who does.

Sunday Morning Preview

Posted: November 15, 2009 in Corianne Egan, NFL Updates
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This week, instead of previewing a game or a person, UDU presents their first annual mid-season Power Rankings. We don’t know what was harder – ranking the top five or the bottom five. Enjoy!

1. New Orleans (8-0):  New Orleans is the complete package, and they got our top spot on stats and stats alone. TheBrees Saints are putting up an average of 37 points a game, and their defense is an improvement on last year’s. Their schedule is speckled with teams to roll over, but also with a couple tough ones (against Dallas, New England, and Atlanta)… but we do think they could end up undefeated in the end.

2. Indianapolis (8-0): Peyton Manning and the Colts are powerful and awe-inspiring, but their numbers aren’t as good as the Saints so they dropped into the second slot. This week against the Pats will prove if the Colts mean business or not, and there is a definite chance they can get it done. Reggie Wayne has done an excellent job replacing Marvin Harrison, and Dwight Freeney is stepping up the defense (a defense which remarkably lets up the least points in the league per game).

3. Pittsburgh (6-2): The champs had a tough start, but they are gaining momentum. Their defense looks back on track and is now number one against the run, and increasingly dangerous on the pass rush because of the resurgence of Troy Polamalu. Contrary to popular belief, Ben Roethlisberger is still in control and leads the league in completion percentage. If they can win against Cincinnati this week, the Steelers are staring another title right in the face.

Cedric Benson4. Minnesota (7-1): The bye week was important for the Vikings, but did everyone forget about Peter Pan, we mean Brett Favre? Minnesota is  nasty on defense thanks to Jared Allen with his 10.5 sacks, but Favre is controlling the game and limiting his interceptions (he’s thrown only three through eight games). It really helps to have Percy Harvin, who is emerging as one of the top receivers out of this draft class.

5. New England (6-2): No one can ever count Tom Brady out, even after a tough start. Brady and the Pats seem to have gotten their feet under them and with a rematch with the Jets on the horizon, the NFC East is theirs to win. As long as Randy Moss and Wes Welker keep the offense strong, and the defense keeps performing well, the Pats will be playoff bound. Their coming out party is this week, however, and they are going to need to show the world that they are back against the Colts.

6. Cincinnati (6-2): We can’t say enough about the Bengals and their potential. A healthy Carson Palmer and the resurging Cedric Benson make all the difference, and if it wasn’t for two last-second plays they would be undefeated as well. They lost sack-machine Antwan Odom, but their defense rebounded in a nasty win against Baltimore last week, when Benson put up his second 100+ yard game against the Ravens defense. The AFC North may become one of the toughest in the league with three contenders battling for that top spot.

7. Dallas (6-2): Dallas is on top of the NFC East, but are they really playing well? They were sloppy against the Eagles,Philip Rivers but they’ve won four straight. Tony Romo looks as if his mental issues are sorted out, and with Miles Austin as his new favorite target, the Cowboys offense is strong. They have some tough ones ahead, but we are looking forward to the matchup against the Saints on Dec. 19th.

8. Denver (6-2): Everyone thought they were wrong about the Broncos, but after losing two straight they dropped in our rankings. Kyle Orton has done a fine job at QB, their running game is on pace, and their defense is strong… but something just isn’t right. After six strong games, Denver has slowed its production down and isn’t nearly as clutch as it seemed to be. We are hoping they get back on track, and with their leadership they should be fine.

9. San Diego (5-3): Everyone seems to forget about the Chargers, that is… until they surge up and make it into the playoff conversation. Philip Rivers is one of the best quarterbacks who is ignored, and Vincent Jackson is quietly becoming the best receiver in the AFC West (is that hard?). With Shawne Merriman waking up, it is becoming evident that the Chargers are a team to be reckoned with. If they can’t find a run game, however, they won’t be going very far.

10. Philadelphia (5-3): The Eagles are as inconsistent as ever, and calls for Andy Reid’s job have begun in Philly earlier than usual. We can’t seem to blame the fans after that performance against the Cowboys last week. Philly has the Vikings Giants Footballpersonnel to put up big numbers, but Donovan McNabb isn’t in it. I think we can all agree, the Michael Vick experiment was a failure. Even though their linebackers seem to be dropping like flies, Philadelphia’s defense hasn’t lost a step under Sean McDermott, and that may be what is keeping them in the hunt.

11. Baltimore (4-4): The Ravens have lost to good teams in rough-and-tumble games, but it does look like they aren’t the team they used to be. Luckily for Baltimore fans, Joe Flacco has become a part of the passing game. But the Ravens look old, and they definitely aren’t the defense we remember from last year. They better invest in better receivers, or they are going to have problems with dropped balls for a while to come.

12. Atlanta (5-3): Matt Ryan has been a little bit of a disappointment this season, which makes the hunt for the wildcard even tougher. Tony Gonzales was really a step in the right direction. With Roddy White and Michael Turner added to that mix, it’s a wonder the Falcons don’t put up 40 points a game. The reason they are 5-3? Their defense is full of holes that lose them games on a consistent basis. They need to step up and take the reigns or they will not make the playoffs this year.

13. Arizona (5-3): The Cardinals just aren’t the same team they were a year ago. Kurt Warner fluctuates from genius to schlub depending on the game. They had good wins against the Giants and the Bears, but the losses to San Francisco and Carolina really hurt their credibility. Larry Fitzgerald is enjoying his Sunday double team, and there isn’t another option for the Cards at this time. At this point in the season, things are starting to look up, but their defense also has to pull it together.

14. NY Giants (5-4): The Giants are skidding, and things aren’t looking good. Even though they hopped out to a 5-0Aaron Rodgers Sacked start, but with the exception of a win against Dallas, their first five games were relatively easy opponents. Now that the Giants are getting into the meat of their schedule, it’s looking like they aren’t as strong as they used to be. The defense has holes, the offense isn’t strong. Every game plan Tom Coughlin makes, it seems as if the opponents are one step ahead. The Giants need to stop the bleeding if they hope to finish this season in the playoffs.

15. Houston (5-4): The Texans are one of the best teams when they are hot, but they aren’t quite contenders yet. They obviously can’t win the division while the Colts are so hot, but they have shown massive improvements from last year. Matt Schaub is up there with the best QBs in the league in every statistic. The number one passing offense in the league is complimented by the most underrated receiver in the league, Andre Johnson. Brian Cushing was a great first round choice, and he is bringing fire to the defense. They are on the verge, and we are just waiting for them to push through.

16. Miami (3-5): Miami has been in games, they have challenged the best. The problem is they can’t find a way to win. They aren’t going to win the AFC East, and they aren’t going win many more, but they are capable of the upset on any given week. The Dolphins are still running the Wild Cat, they are still competitive, and thanks to Joey Porter, they are still talking smack.

17. Green Bay (4-4): They are powerful, but can they really win anything? Aaron Rodgers hasn’t had time to make Jay Cutler 2the plays he is capable of because of a horrendous offensive line who has allowed 37 sacks. Ryan Grant and Donald Driver make a great one-two punch, but we are afraid the Pack may be in trouble, yet again.

18. Jacksonville (4-4): The Jags have a great foundation, but they need a better quarterback. David Gerrard just isn’t cutting it. With offensive weapons as powerful as Maurice Jones-Drew and Mike Sims-Walker, the Jaguars have a chance to win any game. Their defense isn’t great either; they have a lot of growing to do before they can be in the top half of the league.

19. San Francisco (3-5): We refuse to believe, no matter how bad the Niners do, that a team with a coach like this could have a losing season. They may finish at .500, but Mike Singletary will always find  a way to win. They need to figure out their quarterback situation, but Frank Gore and Michael Crabtree make excellent building blocks for an offense.

20. NY Jets (4-4): We will see how the Jets respond after their bye, but with the exception of their defense (who is presently still #1) the Jets have looked pretty mediocre. Give Sanchez some time to get his feet under him, and they will be ready to contend for an AFC East title.

21. Carolina (3-5): The Panthers play well when Jake Delhomme limits the turnovers, which isn’t often. They have a great team, and their defense is awakening, but their quarterback hands the game to the other team on a consistent basis, and that is no way to win.

22. Chicago (4-5): Did you see Thursday Night Football? Jay Cutler is a bust in Chicago, but it’s not his fault. Their defense isn’t strong, they have no weapons on offense. They were highly overrated before the season even started.

23. Seattle (3-5): The Seahawks have won the games they were supposed to win, but they have a lot of problems.Bucs First Win Matt Hasselbeck is having his chance to show the world what he is capable of, and nothing is really coming out. Without him, the Hawks are lost.

24. Buffalo (3-5): The Bills looked great in their season opener on Monday Night Football, but then it stopped. Their quarterbacks are awful (both of them). Any season without a T.O. meltdown is a waste anyway.

25. Tennessee (2-6): We said it before, the Titans were the best 0-6 team ever. Even if Vince Young wasn’t the best these last few weeks, he has re-energized a team that simply looked cold on the field. Nate Washington may have been an overpaid mess, but Justin Gage will keep them alive if he has to. No playoffs this year, but they have opportunities to learn from this.

26. Tampa Bay (1-7): The Bucs won their first game last week, but their team is young. They are the definition of a rebuilding stage, and we hope to see this get much better.

Todd Haley27. Oakland (2-6): Is there any hope? Giving the team over to JaMarcus Russell was a mistake, and everyone knows it now. There weren’t many people who thought this could be a good season, and the Raiders are proving them right.

28. Detroit (1-7): The biggest difference? They are competitive. The Lions have actually led games this year… they have made themselves a contender in every game. Matthew Stafford needs a year under his belt to learn, but this baptism by fire may be what makes him a good quarterback.

29. Washington (2-6): Can you think of a team who looks as horrible? The Redskins aren’t challenging anyone in the NFC East, let alone the league. Their defense, however, deserves mention for keeping them in a lot of close games.

30. Kansas City (1-7): This isn’t entirely Matt Cassell’s fault. He’s been beat up in Kansas City, but what is going on? Todd Hailey is supposed to specialize in offense. This was supposed to be a better year.

31. Cleveland (1-7): Eric Mangini will not be the coach much longer (we hope), but the Browns are worse now than when they started the season. They have two horrible quarterbacks to choose from, and traded away their best target to make it that much harder on them. The Browns are being investigated on three different topics, and Mangenius is looking like he’s getting the swift axe. There is no such thing as optimism in Cleveland now.

32. St. Louis (1-7): There will be no win-less teams in the NFL, and we are glad. We like Steve Spagnuolo, and we love Steven Jackson, and neither of them deserve this torture.

Analysis of Week 9 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Redskins 17 Falcons 31

RedskinsThe Falcons had it easy this week, but they continued to play mediocre football. Matt Ryan wasn’tFalcons impressive. Unfortunately, the running back showdown we anticipated was shut down by an injury to Clinton Portis, but Michael Turner really took the reigns and stole the show. With games against New York and Philadelphia on tap for the next month, the Falcons have to eliminate mistakes in order to play survive. Washington’s problems, on the other hand, just keep getting worse.
Game Ball: Michael Turner carried the ball 18 times for 166 yards and two touchdowns.

Cardinals 41 Bears 21

CardsThe Bears look worse every week, and it seems like they may be out of the hunt for good in such aBears competitive division. Jay Cutler actually played well, but that just wasn’t enough when your defense isn’t working well and you have a complete lack of a rushing game. Larry Fitzgerald and Kurt Warner continue to communicate well, but four Cardinal receivers caught touchdown passes from Warner while Beanie Wells and Tim Hightower combined for 150 yards on the ground. Cutler’s three touchdown passes weren’t enough to win a game full of defensive miscues and missed opportunities. Arizona wins extra points for head coach Ken Whisenhunt’s post game press conference.
Game Ball: Kurt Warner went 22 for 31 with 261 yards and five touchdowns.

Ravens 7 Bengals 17

RavensCincinnati is full of stars and each week they pull together and simply do their jobs. Cedric BensonBengals claws for every inch, Carson Palmer stays smart, and OchoCinco keeps us entertained. Can you ask for more? The Bengals prove week in and week out why they are a contender, but what is going on with the Ravens? Joe Flacco can’t carry the team every week, but the defense that is so famous isn’t there anymore. Add to that the horrible receivers they have in Baltimore – Derek Mason pulled in three passes, but he was thrown 13 – and you  have the makings for a .500 team with “potential”.
Game Ball: Cedric Benson ran for 117 yards and a touchdown.

Texans 17 Colts 20

TexansWe love Houston, and this game is why. They kept at pace with the undefeated Colts, and made aColts game of a matchup that was lopsided on paper. Matt Schaub continued to connect with Andre Johnson, but this week it wasn’t enough, especially against that tough Indianapolis defense. There was one blaring problem: Giving the Colts 100+ yards on penalties is not the way to go against a team that can beat you in the blink of an eye. The Colts are just plain scary good, and this week they proved that when Peyton Manning isn’t having the best of days, their defense can take control.
Game Ball: Dwight Freeney had only four tackles, but three of them were quarterback hits and he managed 1.5 sacks as well.

Dolphins 17 Patriots 27

DoplhinsThese AFC East games are always a battle, but we knew coming into this that Miami had problems withNew England Randy Moss. What do they do? They let him fly all over the field. Tom Brady didn’t have to play well he just needed to be better than Chad Henne. The Patriots lost the battle for ball possession, red zone conversions, and even turnovers. Yesterday, Brady said that Joey Porter’s comments during the week motivated them. Miami really needs to concentrate on how to get over the close games or their season will go down in flames.
Game Ball: Randy Moss caught only six passes, but went for 147 yards with a touchdown.

Packers 28 Buccaneers 38

PackersWho would’ve guessed? The fourth quarter meltdown was a sight to see, but give the Bucs some creditTampa Bay for exhibiting what we think was killer instinct. After six sacks, of course Aaron Rodgers is going to look dazed and be more mobile, so it’s no wonder he made all of the mistakes he did (I.E. three interceptions). The Pack outplayed Tampa in every way, but it was two touchdowns by the defense that sealed the deal and got them the win. If Green Bay doesn’t go out and get some help for that offensive line they aren’t going anywhere.
Game Ball: Josh Freeman may not have been spectacular, but he won his first game by going 14 for 31 with 205 yards and three touchdowns.

Chiefs 21 Jaguars 24

CheifsThe Chiefs may have battled back, but they played so horrible in the first half that winning was nearlyJaguars impossible. The difference this week was David Gerrard playing like an NFL quarterback, going 18 for 27 with a touchdown. Kansas City’s complete lack of a running game is becoming more evident as the season goes on, so Jacksonville dominated by controlling the game with Maurice Jones-Drew in the backfield. Matt Cassell looked better, but Kansas City has more problems than solutions at this point.
Game Ball: Mike Sims-Walker had six catches for 147 yards and a touchdown.

Lions 20 Seahawks 32

LionThe Lions played organized, effective football… for one quarter. Then, apparently, they realized theySeahawks were the Lions. Analysts say not to blame Matthew Stafford because he’s a rookie and hes learning, but five interceptions is a heck of a learning curve. The fact is, the game was within reach before he threw the ball away, and he knows that. Seattle won a game they were supposed to win, but we are disappointed that we don’t get to see Jim Mora’s post game press conference. There are reports saying that Seahawks coaches told Matt Hasselbeck that he would have to win this game on his own, and boy did he ever perk up.
Game Ball: Matt Hasselbeck went 39 for 51 with 329 yards and one touchdown.

Panthers 20 Saints 30

PanthersOnce again, New Orleans had to battle back to stay perfect. Carolina played the caliber football weSaints knew they were capable of, but goo teams eliminate mistakes (fumbles, dropped balls, etc.) and find a way to win. With the game on the line and two minutes to go, the Panthers couldn’t put together a drive and ended up with a fumble. That fumble negated DeAngelo Williams’ 100+ yard game, Steve Smith’s explosiveness, and Jake Delhomme’s interception-less performance. The Saints receivers averaged 13.8 yards per catch which spurred the comeback, but it was their defense that kept them in the game.
Game Ball: Robert Meachem had five catches for 98 yards and one touchdown.

Chargers 21 Giants 20

ChargersEven as close as this one was, this wasn’t Giants football. Eli Manning did well and stepped up againstGiants his draft-day foe, but the defense let up halfway through the game. Phillip Rivers made the Giants look silly, but when your team can onl muster the energy to play one full quarter what do you expect? The confidence that got the Giants their Super Bowl ring two years ago is gone, and these players are going to be forced to put their nose to the grindstone and work out these kinks before they are left behind in their division.
Game Ball: Vincent Jackson was explosive, with 5 catches for 58 yards and two touchdowns.

Titans 34 49ers 27

TitansAnother tough loss for San Francisco, but there were reasons for it. The revolving door of49ers quarterbacks isn’t working well – Shaun Hill was benched for Alex Smith who has had his second bad start in a row, and we are only assuming we’ll she Hill again down the road – and San Francisco isn’t showing that fire that had everyone so impressed in the beginning of the season. The Titans on the other hand have benefitted from a chance at QB. Vince Young may not be the second coming, but he’s bringing a fresh perspective to Tennessee and he sure is performing better than Kerry Collins. Smith’s three interceptions gave Tennessee the game.
Game Ball: Chris Johnson had his third straight 100+ yard game with 25 carries for 135 yards and two touchdowns.

Cowboys 20 Eagles 16

CowboysWe have to say, neither team played exceptionally well. The difference was Andy Reid and hisEagles inability to keep that little red flag in his pocket. Listen, any game that ends up in a loss because you didn’t have enough time outs to get yourself a chance is a poorly coached game, but there were plenty of other problems. Donovan McNabb was inconsistent, DeSean Jackson was invisible, and Jason Peters continued to make mistakes. The Cowboys took advantage of Philadelphia, but thats what you have to do to be successful in this league. An observation: Tony Romo threw who he was “supposed” to throw to… but Roy Williams just didn’t look impressive.
Game Ball: can we say no one? Rookie Shady McCoy led Philadelphia in rushing and receiving yards, and didn’t make many mistakes in the process.  

Steelers 28 Broncos 10

SteelersThe Broncos have lost two straight, and to save themselves from continuing to skid they need to do aBroncos lot. Their defense seems to have lost some steam – especially the secondary – and their rushing game has been quieted for the second straight week. It seems like there may have been something on the tape that these teams have seen, because the Broncos are completely ineffective. The Steelers played well, but their defense really stole the show. Between James Harrison and Troy Polamalu, there was no where to go. Ben Roethlisburger simply controlled the game, and thats all he needed to do, because Kyle Orton was no match at QB.
Game Ball: Rashard Mendenhall is really progressing as the season goes on. He had 22 carries for 155 yards, including four explosive rushes that gave the Steelers the definite control.

Week 9 Wrap Up

– Injuries: Cincinnati wide receiver Chris Henry broke his left forearm after a hit by Fabian Washington Sunday. This will likely end his season, depending on the severity of the break which will be reported by Wednesday… Washington running back Clinton Portis took a nasty helmet-to-helmet hit by Thomas DeCloud int he first half. He was diagnosed with a concussion and will likely sit out 2-4 weeks… Quarterback Jason Campbell was sacked five times in the first quarter alone, and all of that action took a toll on his body. The QB left the game twice Sunday, once with a chest issue and the second was because of an ankle sprain. Doctors don’t know if he is going to miss any time… Atlanta wide receiver Brian Finneran suffered a knee injury in the first half. Atlant will evaluate him Tuesday and release his status mid-week… Packers defensive end Aaron Kampman admitted Monday that he played most of Sunday’s game with a concussion. He was evaluated after the game and could be out from 2-4 weeks depending on residual symptoms.
– Detroit media was abuzz Monday after cameras caught Calvin Johnson and Matthew Stafford apparently arguing during the Lions’ loss to Seattle. Coach Jim Schwartz told reporters there was no problem. Stafford threw five interceptions in the game.
– Kansas City unloaded Larry Johnson after the running back’s Twitter attack on coaches. Johnson won’t be out there for long; analysts already are looking at Seattle, Indianapolis, and Houston as possible landing spots.

UDU Game BallAnd the UDU Game Ball goes to… Kurt Warner

Kurt Warner went 22-32 with 262 yards and five touchdowns, by far his best performance so far this season. Through nine weeks, Warner has a 65.7 completion percentage, but this week was all about rebounding from the five interception loss in Week 8.

Shutting It Down…

Posted: October 20, 2009 in Corianne Egan, NFL Updates
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Analysis of Week 6 in the NFL

Game Recaps

Texans 28 Bengals 17

TexansWe’ve said from the beginning that Houston could stun the league when they were on, and this weekBengals they put it into high gear. Matt Schaub attacked through the air, while Steve Slaton and Andre Johnson aided him. Slaton was the all-purpose player of the day with 19 carrier for 43 yards as well as six catches for 102 yards and a touchdown, while Johnson was up to his old tricks to the tune of eight receptions for 135 yards. When the Texans can keep Cedric Benson to 44 yards, which is something no other team could do so far this season, there’s always a huge chance to win. For Cincinnati, Carson Palmer was inconsistent at best and really needs to work on controlling the tempo of the game before it gets out of hand.
Game Ball: Matt Schaub went 28/40 with 392 yards and four touchdowns.

Lions 0 Packers 26

LionThis was the first game this season that Detroit wasn’t even competitive in, but to be fair injuriesPackers played a part. When the leading receiver and starting quarterback aren’t in the game, you will always have an issue. Daunte Culpepper can’t control this team like Matthew Stafford, and the momentum of the team suffers for it. Aaron Rodgers didn’t have an incredible game, but Donald Driver and Ryan Grant made his job a little easier as well. We will look at this as a tune up for Cleveland next week. The Pack will need it, won’t they?
Game Ball: Donald Driver had seven receptions for 107 yards, including a one-handed catch that landed him on highlight reels everywhere.

Ravens 31 Vikings 33

RavensOld vs. New… and Old won. Adrian Peterson ran for his first 100+ yard game since Week 1, and theVikings Vikings withstood a Ravens’ comeback attempt to win by a very narrow margin. What’s more interesting is that Brett Favre did this without his new favorite target, Percy Harvin, who was injured in the first half. Both Favre and Flacco got beat up all day, but they had excellent games (Flacco turned in a career-best passing effort by going 28 for 43 with 385 yards and two touchdowns). It was refreshing to see Jared Allen so upset after a win – when interviewed by ESPN Allen went off saying this was one of the worst defensive fourth quarters he has ever seen – just because sometimes winning wipes away those bad plays. We don’t think it’s necessarily Steve Hauschka’s fault that he missed that field goal – if time had been managed right be may not have had to kick that far.
Game Ball: Brett Favre can’t get it every week, but he was stunningly accurate, going 21 for 29 with 278 yards and three touchdowns.

Giants 27 Saints 48

GiantsMaybe it was a little too early to anoint Eli Manning the king of New York, because he certainly didn’tSaints look that way against New Orleans this Sunday. Manning turned in an embarrassing 14 for 31 performance, throwing for only 178 yards and one touchdown. That simply isn’t going to cut it against one of the most explosive teams in football to this point. No one predicted we would be talking solely about New Orleans’ defense, who held the Giants to just 84 rushing yards and eventually took Manning out of the game. At the end of the day, Drew Brees is still the man and every star shined for the Saints.
Game Ball: Marquis Colston caught only eight passes (every one that was directed to him) for 166 yards and one touchdown.

Browns 14 Steelers 27

BrownsFour turnovers each? And these teams are professional? That statistic would usually signal a closeSteelers game, but in this case it was not. Playing a more disciplined game would have allowed Pittsburgh to run away with it. We aren’t blaming Brady Quinn for wanting a trade – it’s ludicrous to watch from the bench when the starter goes nine for 24 with only 133 yards of offense. The Steelers look like they are slowly recovering from the last couple of rough weeks, but they will need to eliminate the turnovers to be successful in the coming weeks, which includes a meeting with the unbeaten Vikings. On a side note, it is good to have Troy Palomalu back on the field.
Game Ball: Ben Roethlisberger went 23 for 45 for 417 yards and two touchdowns.

Panthers 28 Buccaneers 21

PanthersOnce again, Carolina managed to win despite Jake Delhomme. The Panthers were helped by two 100+Tampa Bay yard rushing games, but they also benefited from the inspired play of Julius Peppers, who had two sacks and three more tackles for losses. But again, like every week with Carolina, we wonder what they would have done with a quarterback that threw the ball to his own team. This time, we’re betting Steve Smith is asking the same thing.
Game Ball: D’Angelo Williams had 30 carries for 155 yards and two touchdowns, while Jon Stewart had 17 for 110 yards and one touchdown.

Chiefs 14 Redskins 6

RedskinsWhen the Redskins play, it now means we will not see a touchdown. All of the points scored in thisCheifs game were not touchdown related – Kansas City had four field goals and a safety while Washington managed two field goals – and we get frustrated just watching it. The players in our nation’s capital have turned their weekly games into “me” ball, meaning Clinton Portis running for 100 yards and Albert Haynesworth’s half of a sack are simply to keep their stats up so somehow, some way they can get traded off of the team. Surprisingly, Todd Hailey’s offensive mind still couldn’t find a way to score a points (unless you think the kicker was part of his genius as well).
Game Ball: We’re giving it to the kicker. Ryan Succop went four-for-four with a long of 46 to score 12 of the Chief’s 14 points.

Rams 20 Jaguars 23

RamsWe thought maybe, just maybe, St. Louis could rake up their first win. But alas, the universe won’t letJaguars it be so. It may have taken four quarters, but the Jags woke up and started playing some football just in time to win the game. Behind the efforts of the hyphenated twins, Mike Sims-Walker and Maurice Jones-Drew, Jacksonville advanced to the .500 level, while the Rams are still winless. Even though the Jags lost the turnover battle, it was the penalties that killed St. Louis again this week.
Game Ball: Mike Sims-Walker had nine catches for 120 yards, while Maurice Jones-Drew had 33 carries for 133 yards and three touchdowns.

Eagles 9 Raiders 13

EaglesEvery year the Eagles lose to one team that isn’t even qualified to take the field, and this week it wasRaiders Oakland. The Raiders had a lot of media talking smack on them this week, and to their credit, they stayed quiet and took it out on the field with them. Their defense took advantage of an injury to offensive lineman Jason Peters as well as Andy Reid’s pass-thick play calling to get to Donovan McNabb fast and hard. The Raiders sacked McNabb six times, including two by Richard Seymour, who seems to be settling in nicely. With a game this tight and problems with the plan, Philadelphia’s problems with David Akers were highlighted – the kicker went three-for-five, but only kicked outside of 40 yards the entire day.
Game Ball: Seymour was impressive and showed the fire we were used to seeing in him from the New England days. Along with his two sacks, he had three tackles for a loss, and three more hits on McNabb during play.

Cardinals 27 Seahawks 3

SeahawksAfter Seattle’s blowout win last week, we thought this game would be a little more competitive.Cards Instead, Kurt Warner decided he wanted to win. He went 32 for 41 with 276 yards and two touchdowns on the day, but the real surprise was how good he looked passing to Larry Fitzgerald, who seems to have gotten out of his funk from earlier in the season. The Seahawks may have lost this game because of their complete lack of a running game – they had 11 attempts for 14 yards as a team – or it could have been Matt Hasselbeck’s lack of talent this weekend – he completed only ten passes for 112 yards and one interception. You decide who to blame.
Game Ball: Larry Fitzgerald looked explosive, catching 13 of the 15 passes he receiver for 100 yards and a touchdown.

Titans 0 Patriots 59

TitansJeff Fischer may be one of the best coaches in the league, but he is in a definite need of a change downNew England there in Nashville. The Titans thought they had a star when they got Nate Washington, who is slowly proving that it’s all about the system you are playing in. They thought they were doing the right thing signing Kerry Collins to come back even though everyone said he was too old. Turns out, they were wrong. Collins completed only two passes on the day for negative seven yards and threw one interception, while Washington’s one reception was for -22 yards. Even with Chris Johnson rushing for 128 yards, the Titans still couldn’t manage to put any points on the board. Meanwhile, the Patriots are serving notice to the AFC and the rest of the league that they are back, and they mean business.
Game Ball: Let’s see… who to give it to. Tom Brady, who went 29 for 34 with 380 yards and SIX TOUCHDOWNS? That would be the one. Honorable mention goes to Randy Moss and Wes Welker for catching those well-thrown balls.

Bills 16 Jets 13

BillsNew York did everything they could to give this game to Buffalo, but the Bills wouldn’t take it. MarkJets Sanchez is looking younger each game, and slowly but surely that 3-0 start has crept down to 3-3. The only offensive player that looked like he was actually playing on Sunday was Thomas Jones, who wrangled a measly 200+ yards, but the rest were for the birds. Sanchez had an embarrassing five interceptions (one of which directly cost them the game), but even that didn’t directly lose the game for them. Jay Feely missed a field goal that could have put them up at the half. It was an entire team losing effort for New York, and a nasty win for Buffalo.
Game Ball? Yeah right. We guess Thomas Jones can  have it, if he even wants it.

Bears 14 Atlanta 21

BearsAtlanta proved one thing on Sunday night: They can win if Matt Ryan isn’t on his game, especially ifFalcons Jay Cutler isn’t either. This wasn’t an incredible offensive effort, especially coming off of that blowout last week, but the Falcons pulled through miraculously. Cutler and the Bears came up short on the two minute drive, which ultimately cost them the game, but when Cutler is also your leading rusher, you have a problem. The bottom line was really that Atlanta could convert in the red zone, while Chicago barely hit one of four attempts.
Game Ball: Roddy White caught four passes for 56 yards and a touchdown.

Denver 34 San Diego 23

BroncosIt seems like every game is a statement game for the Broncos these days, and they went out of theirChargers way to win this one. Behind journeyman quarterback Kyle Orton, who was never meant to be this good, Denver backed up their undefeated status with big plays and clutch touchdowns. What is nice to see is that even a young team can stay calm under pressure, run a three-minute drill, and come from behind to win (again). Although their running back tandum or Correll Buckhalter and Knowshon Moreno weren’t as powerful as usual – they combined for 90 yards – wide reciever Tony Scheffler more than made up for it with six catches for 101 yards and one touchdown. Games against a very mad Baltimore team and Pittsburgh in the coming weeks will be more rocks in Denver’s not-so-smooth path. Things are going from bad to worse for the smack-talking Chargers. They really haven’t showed much promise, and if Phillip Rivers can’t come back from this start, they may be doomed for the season.
Game Ball: We said it once, we’ll say it again… Kyle Orton was never supposed to be this good. Orton went 20 for 29 with 229 yards and two touchdowns, including the game-winning touchdown with three minutes left.

Week 6 Wrap Up

Injuries: Trent Edwards has suffered a concussion after a sack early in the game. The Bills have not released word as to the severity of the head injury. This is the second concussion of his carrier… Cincinnati defensive end Antwan Odom tore his Achilles tendon during the game Sunday. He had surgery on the injury Monday, and is expected to be out long-term. He leads the league in sacks as of Week 6… Jets defensive tackle Kris Jenkins suffered a knee injury. The ACL tear is said to be season-ending… Seahawks linebacker Lofa Tatupu suffered what was believed to be a season-ending chest tear, but upon furthur review may not be as serious as previously thought. Tests revealed that the tear was partial instead of full, and may only need a few weeks of therapy… Atlanta corner back Brian Williams suffered a season-ending knee injury. Coach Mike Smith explained that Williams tore his ACL and “some other stuff” in a press conference on Monday…
– After Washington’s latest loss, the higher-ups in the franchise took play-calling ability away from head coach Jim Zorn. Zorn speculated that this would be a change just to see if he was the problem. Most experts think Zorn will be permanently removed during the bye-week.
-Shortly before Monday night’s game between the Chargers and the Broncos, a long-time stadium worker, Walt Daniels, fell from the press box. Entry to the stadium was delayed 40 minutes while the scene was investigated. Daniels was taken to a local hospital and his condition was not released.
– Steelers kicker Jeff Reed was cited for public intoxication and disorderly conduct after the win against Cleveland Sunday night. This was Reed’s second citation for the same offense, which happened at 9:00 PM at McFadden’s Bar in Pittsburgh.
– Panthers’ corner Dante Williams was suspended for one game Monday after a viscious hit on Tampa Bay’s Clinton Smith. Smith had signaled for a fair catch when Williams left his feet for a hit. Both benches cleared and Williams was ejected. Smith is said to have only a concussion.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes To…

UDU Game BallTom Brady needed a week like this. He set a record by throwing five touchdown passes in oneTom Brady half of football, then helped the Patriots set another record by opening up the biggest half-time lead in history (45-0). The 59-point win was the largest margin of victory in over 33 years. Brady went 29 for 34 with 380 yards, six touchdowns, and no interceptions.


Look who’s 5-0…

Posted: October 13, 2009 in Corianne Egan, Matt Shanley, NFL Updates
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Week 5 Analysis

Game Recaps

Browns 6 Bills 3

BrownsAfter last week’s close call against Cincinnati, it was only a matter of time Billsuntil the Browns pulled a win out of their hat. But is it possible to win a game when your starting quarterback goes 2-17 with an interception for the entire game? Apparently, the answer is yes. The game was an all-around pathetic showing by both teams, on both sides of the ball. The only entertainment that could have come out of this was a Terrell Owens breakdown, but like we say every week, I guess we’re just going to have to wait.
Game Ball: Jamal Lewis had 31 carries for 117 yards, but hey, with 31 carries, who wouldn’t break 100?

Cowboys 26 Chiefs 20

CowboysAfter his performance this week, we’d be really surprised if Dallas didn’tCheifs change their playbook to include Miles Austin a little more. Both Austin, who started for Roy Williams, and Tashard Choice, who started for Felix Jones, had amazing performances. However, the game shouldn’t have been this close. Just one turnover-less game for Tony Romo would restore our faith in the Cowboys quarterback. On the other side of the ball, apparently a mid-week temper tantrum from Todd Hailey did nothing to help the 0-5 Chiefs.
Game Ball: Who are you calling a backup? Austin caught 10 passes for 250 yards and two touchdowns, while Choice had 8 carries for 92 yards and a touchdown.

Vikings 38 Rams 10

VikingsEvery week we can say the same thing about St. Louis, but it won’t changeRams anything. Although they were never really in this game, the stats don’t lie. They are even with offensive and defensive numbers, but turnovers and penalties will kill them every week. The Rams were 0-4 in the red zone, had four turnovers, and 82 yards in penalties. As if Jared Allen could get any better than last week, he had a fumble return for a touchdown. Minnesota continues to play like the champions we hesitantly thought they could be.
Game Ball: Percy Harvin tops himself every week, but this week he had four receptions for 66 yards.

Oakland 7 New York 44

RaidersIt only took Eli Manning a half of football to get a lead big enough that heGiants was confident in leaving the game. We expected a blowout, but it also appears that head coach Tom Cable has lost all faith in JaMarcus Russell, and took the game out of his hands. The only problem with doing that is that there are no trick plays that can save them, and no running game as a back-up plan. The Giants glided to 5-0 without a problem, but we wonder – couldn’t David Carr has won this by himself.
Game Ball: Ahmad Bradshaw had a breakout day, rushing for 110 yards on 11 carries and a touchdown, but also one reception for 55 yards.

Tampa Bay 14 Philadelphia 33

Tampa BayEveryone was anxious to see how many plays Donovan McNabb would needEagles to be back in his rhythm. The answer: Two. The game was an obvious mismatch from the start, but McNabb didn’t flinch when he got hit and that is a huge plus for Eagles fans everywhere. The Eagles defense held the Bucs to only 85 rushing yards, had three interceptions (two from Asante Samuels and one from Sheldon Brown) and a safety. However, it was the rookie Jeremy  Maclin who turned heads by catching six passes for 142 yards and two touchdowns.
Game Ball: Donovan McNabb went 16 for 21 with 264 yards and three touchdowns, but also ran twice for 30 yards – a team best – in his return.

Pittsburgh 28 Detroit 20

SteelersEven if they finish with only one win, a major thing that has changed aboutLion Detroit this season: They are competitive. The Steelers brought the house down on the Lions today – Ben Roethlisburger threw three touchdowns, James Harrison had three sacks, and Rashard Mendenhall ran for a touchdown – and Detroit stayed in it. The only downside was that Daunte Culpepper was average at best. Keep this up and the Lions could even manage two wins this season.
Game Ball: Ben Roethlisburger quietly went 24 for 30 with 277 yards and three touchdown passes.

Washington 17 Carolina 20

RedskinsCarolina needed a win, and they got it, but what boggles out minds is howPanthers Washington is finding new ways to lose. The Redskins played a good game until the last ten minutes – even quarterback Jason Campbell was playing well – before everything fell apart. There were no standout players, although Steve Smith did seem to find a rhythm with five catches for 65 yards. Even in the win, Jake Delhomme threw an interception, which begs the question: will Delhomme ever be turnover-less?
Game Ball: Jason Campbell had his best week yet, doing 17 for 23 with 143 yards and one touchdown.

Cincinnati 17 Baltimore 14

BengalsThe Bengals knew this was a big game, a statement game, and they gotRavens everything done the right way. Every one of their key players performed in the win and didn’t panic, which was important when you are facing a defense like Baltimore. To go from the basement to the top of the league in passing offense is great, but we kind of knew it couldn’t last. Joe Flacco had arguably his worst outing so far this season, and his two interceptions were obviously an issue. This may have been the first time we’ve watched the Baltimore defense, led again by Ray Lewis, fight for something and not win.
Game Ball: Cedric Benson has 27 carries for 120 yards and one touchdown.

Atlanta 45 San Francisco 10

FalconsWe knew the Niners would have an off week, but we never predicted a blow49ers-out. We thought this would be a competition – San Fran has done so much against big teams and looked convincing, and Atlanta wasn’t looking that great going into the by week – but we take it back. Even if the 49ers were on their game, we aren’t sure anyone could have stopped Michael Turner, who burned everyone ever time he touched the ball. We are glad to see Matt Ryan and the Falcons are looking better after the bye week. It will be interesting to see if Mike Singletary can rally the troops and learn from this.
Game Ball: Michael Turner was the star, with 22 carries for 97 yards and three touchdowns. Yes, we said three.

Jacksonville 0 Seattle 41

JaguarsMatt Hasselbeck must be feeling better. In his first start back from a ribSeahawks injury, Haseelbeck showed what he could do if he was healthy and out to prove something. Jacksonville showed little emotion as they were pummeled, especially quarterback David Gerrard, who barely completed 18 of 31 passes. The Jags didn’t even have their run game to rely on, as Maurice Jones-Drew was limited to 34 yards, as he averaged only 2.8 yards per carry. Adding insult to injury, the Jags could only get to Hasselbeck once in the entire game. Seattle played disciplined, inspired football, and that not only gave them a win, but allowed them to dominate.
Game Ball: Matt Hasselbeck returned to Seattle to complete 18 of 30 pass attempts for 241 yards and four touchdowns. 

Houston 21 Arizona 28

TexansTo be honest, we didn’t expect this game to be this exciting. Matt SchaubCards and Kurt Warner battled for most of the game, but it was Schaub’s interception that sealed the deal for Arizona. This week, however, Schaub also didn’t have a running game behind him, as Steve Slaton virtually disappeared. The defense for the Cards was the story, although they didn’t get to Schaub at all. The only encouraging plays of the game came when Warner connected with Larry Fitzgerald, and those Super Bowl flashbacks danced in the heads of Cardinals fans everywhere.
Game Ball: Larry Fitzgerald had five receptions for 79 yards and two touchdowns.

New England 17 Denver 20

New EnglandTied at 17 going into overtime, we knew this game was worth the wait.Broncos Denver sailed to 5-0 behind Brandon Marshall and rookie running back Knowshon Moreno, and an unlikely hero in Kyle Orton. Orton threw one interception, but he was calm when push came to shove. This really showed what Denver could do – yes, they beat good opponents, but this was against a seasoned team who knew what was coming, a quarterback that rarely ever loses, and a coach who adjusts to every move you make. Coming back from ten down in the second half to win a game in overtime is big enough, but against a healthy Tom Brady with Wes Welker as a target is commendable. We were critical of Josh McDaniels to start the season, but could he have been right? Everything is working out for Denver, and we can’t say we are upset about it.
Game Ball: For the second week in a row, Brandon Marshall gets the game ball, for being a game-changing receiver, with 8 catches for 64 yards and two touchdowns. 

Colts 31 Titans 9

ColtsAfter the loss Sunday night, someone told us that Tennessee was the best 0Titans-5 team in history, and we can’t say we disagree. Tennessee should be winning – they have all the pieces, minus Albert Hainsworth who hasn’t done much this year – but the problem seems to be Kerry Collins. Collins was a problem again for the Titans, and his interceptions make his team lose hope. We just wonder what has Jeff Fischer so mad at Vince Young that he won’t start him. With New England on the horizon, it looks like the Titans are going to be in an 0-6 hole heading into their bye. On the other side of the ball, Peyton Manning is continuing his excellence. Manning threw three touchdowns, including two to new favorite target Auston Collie. We are happy for Manning, but even happier that Dwight Freeney got another sack and is continuing his Pro-Bowl type play.
Game Ball: Austin Collie caught eight of the nine passes thrown his way, collecting 97 yards and two touchdowns.

Jets 27 Miami 31

JetsThere were flashes of good football throughout the whole first half… then, there was the fourthDoplhins quarter. With the lead changing five times, this had to be up there with the most exciting games this year. The thing is, to beat Miami, your running game needs to at least be on the field. Although Leon Washington had a good first half  he was invisible for the Jets in the fourth quarter, which allowed Miami and Ronnie Brown to control that game. Not to mention that Chad Henne actually took control of the game in the waning minutes to force a win (a quarterback, in Miami! What is this?). The Jets got one thing out of this game: Braylon Edwards seems to have some chemistry with Mark Sanchez. We are predicting many, many more connections with the two.
Game Ball: Chad Henne forced Tony Sparano to consider playing real football because when he was in under center, he was incredible. Henne went 20 for 26 with 241  yards and two touchdown passes, including one momentum-changing 53 yard pass to Tedd Ginn Jr.

Week 5 Wrap Up

–  Injury Report: San Francisco safety Michael Lewis received his third concussion this year when he tackled Michael Turner this week. The 49ers are expecting Lewis to be out for quite awhile, seeing as he’s had to many head injuries in so little time… Tennesse corner Nick Harper was hurt in a collision on the opening kick off Sunday night. X-Rays revealed the corner had broken his arm, and is expected to miss at least six weeks… The Manning brothers are both overcoming pain to continue to play. Peyton Manning is said to be battling a sore left knee, while Eli Manning is wrestling with heel injuries. Both won on Sunday… In that scrimmage, I mean game, against Cleveland this week, both of the Bills’ linebackers suffered season-ending knee injuries. Kawika Mitchell injured his right knee, while Marcus Buggs has injured his left. Buffalo will have to sign free-agent replacements to continue the season…New England left tackle Matt Light was seen exiting the team’s plane using crutches after injuring his left knee. We all know Bill Belichick will never tell us what’s wrong.
–  While Oakland continues to struggle on the field, off of the field, their lives are a mess. Ex-Defensive assistant Randy Hanson went public this week with his allegations against head coach tom Cable. Hanson claims Cable threw him from a chair and broke his jaw with a sucker punch in a during preseason training.
–  The Eagles have apparently begun talking to head coach Andy Reid about a contract extension that will keep him in Philadelphia. Reid’s contract expires after the 2010 season.
–  While the ownership issue in St. Louis has yet to become a battle, Players’ Union director DaMaurice Smith has written an open letter to Commissioner Rodger Goodell, explaining why he thought Rush Lindbaugh’s bid to buy the team would be a bad idea. “Sports are meant to unite,” he said, and later commented that  he knows he has absolutely no say in those matters.
–  The NFL is investigating an injury to Browns rookie running back James Davis. ESPN has reported that Davis was injured in a post-practice drill where he was playing without pads, against linebackers who were. This is just an addition in a string of investigations into Eric Mangini and the Browns, who has also been accused of injuring a wide receiver in practice this preseason.

And the UDU Game Ball Goes to…

UDU Game BallMiles Austin hasn’t caught more than three balls the entire season, but given hisMiles Austin chance in Week 5, he showed Dallas coaches why they should give him more chances. Austin caught 10 receptions for 250 yards and two touchdowns, and still, Cowboys officials came out quickly after the game to confirm he would not be the starter.